Helpful Hints to Speed Up Your Spring Cleaning

Clean out before you clean up. Before you begin your spring cleaning ritual, clean out your closets, your basement, your cabinets or anywhere else where junk and clutter is hiding. By cleaning out your junk, before your spring cleaning begins you are getting rid of things instead of cleaning and reorganizing them. I tend to go by the 6 months to 1-year rule. If I have not needed or used it in that amount of time off to the trash it goes.
Buy necessary supplies now before your cleaning begins. Nothing is worse than getting into your spring cleaning and realizing that you need to run to the store to buy something. Cleaners, garbage bags, storage container, or anything else you would possibly need can be bought ahead of time. If you buy too many storage containers, they can be returned if you do not need them. Have your supplies organized and ready to go. This way when you are ready to start your spring-cleaning you are not running around searching for things.
Make a realistic list of things you want to accomplish with your spring cleaning. Trying to spring clean a house from top to bottom in one day is not realistic. Well not unless you have recruited the neighborhood to help you. When you create a realistic schedule to adhere to for your spring cleaning it is easier to track your progress and not forget anything. By starting this list ahead of time it gives you time to review and change things or add things you may have forgotten the first time around.
Clean your window screens and change your furnace filter before you begin your spring cleaning. I know when I start my cleaning the first thing I do is throw open the windows and turn on the furnace fan to circulate the air. When the screens and filters are dirty all you are doing is blowing dirty air around the rooms your trying to clean.
These are just a few things I have started doing over the years to make my spring cleaning go smoother and help me finish faster. Hopefully they help you as much as they have helped me.