Helpful Tips to Ease Your Dog’s Hip Dysplasia

Another great exercise is swimming. It helps the muscles and doesn’t require a lot of wear and tear on the joints. Not only that, some dogs love to swim he’ll forget all about his hip dysplasia. Next, make sure you keep your dog warm. A great helpful tip is to not let him get wet too often or stay in cold weather for long periods. Achy joints become worse when cold and wet. You can also apply some warm relief to help ease your dog’s hip dysplasia. Put a hot water bottle on his hips for about 10 to 15 minutes twice a day to ease the pain. Massaging works great too. You can massage the muscles around the hip joint to ease the pain and relax the spasms. Use gentle pressure and move your fingers in a circular motion for 10 minutes. If your dog shows sign of pain, ease up a little on the pressure. You can also make sure his bedding is comfortable and cozy.
If you can afford to install or make one, a ramp will help your dog tremendously with his hip dysplasia. Instead of climbing stairs a ramp will definitely help to ease the pain of climbing and jumping. Another tip is to cover slippery floors. Although my dog doesn’t have hip dysplasia, she hates slippery floors. She anticipates sliding across the floor and often does when she thinks she will. For a dog with hip dysplasia, sliding on slippery floors is no fun and can be very painful. Put down some rugs or carpet in certain areas to help ease the pain and fear of sliding on slippery floors. Lastly, you can always try using medication to help ease your dog’s hip dysplasia. Aspirin is the best medicine, never give dogs Ibuprofen or any sort of antihistamines. Give your dog about one quarter of buffered aspirin per 10 pounds twice a day to help ease the pain of hip dysplasia.