Herbal Breast Enlargement?

Physical appearance is important to many people today, especially women. And, one facet of that desire for improved appearance is breast augmentation. According to The American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 122,285 breast augmentation procedures were performed in 1997. Between 1992 and 1997, there was a +275% change in the number of breast augmentation procedures performed, and the numbers continue to grow among women of all age groups. Unfortunately, many common procedures used to obtain larger, firmer, shapelier breasts carry with them high expense and devastating health risks – such as the recent discovery of the dangers of saline implants. Nature may be the answer for a safer, less expensive method of breast augmentation.

Researchers who have studied in this area believe that increased or balanced hormone levels may actually enhance breast size and shape. One herb that can be considered is Kudzu Root, which is rich in genistein. This herb can help to maintain normal female hormone levels, as well as enhance the size and firmness of the breast tissue.

Saw Palmetto is another fine herb to consider when breast augmentation is the goal. The berries of this plant have long been used as a sexual stimulant, and it has been known to increase fertility in males and breast size in women. This herb provides estrogenic action, which stimulates breast enlargement.

A common herb historically used in traditional Chinese medicine is Dong Quai. This herb is used worldwide to specifically treat female conditions. It is a powerful remedy for many problems associated with the menstrual cycle, and its apparent estrogenic effect on the body plays a role in increased breast size.

Many people are dissatisfied with the way they look, but nature can help us mold our bodies in a healthful way. Herbals may be the answer to natural enhancement if you want to experience breast augmentation in a less risky, less expensive, and less synthetic way.

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