Hermann: German City In Missouri’s Heartland

Sunlight dapples the brick and stone walls that give the old town of Hermann, Missouri its’ old world flavor. Situated along the banks of the broad Missouri River, Hermann was settled by German immigrants in the 19th century. Because the surrounding terrain is remniscent of Germany’s Rhineland, noted for vineyards, the early settlers brought along grape vines. Where there are vines, there will be wine and the immigrants brought the craft of wine making along as well.

Many wineries are in the immediate area but two were established within the city limits. Oldest of these is Hermanhof, a traditional small winery located at the end of the downtown business district. Within walking distance of many of the unique bed and breakfasts that operate within Herman, Hermanhof offers tours of their cellars, wine making operation, and tasting of their wines. A small onsite restaurant also offers various wursts, cheeses, and German breads.

On one of the rugged hills that rise above the river, the Stone Hill Winery dates back to before Prohibition. Revived after alcoholic beverages became legal again, Stone Hill has a long tradition of producing excellent wines. They also offer tours and a full restaurant offering fine cusine is adjacent.

An 1871 school building complete with clock towers houses the Historic Hermann Musuem. Other historical sites include the Deustscheim State Historic Site, the Pommer-Gentner House, and the Strehly House. Numerous antique shops offer many selections.

Visitors can choose a modern motel, a family style inn, or one of the many bed-and-breakfasts available. The Hermann Area Chamber of Commerce can assist with lodging at (573)486-2313.

More than one local restaurant specializes in German haute cuisine and traditional old world dishes. During the summer months, the town explodes with colorful blooms and blossoms.

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