High Gas Prices

Soak up the sun GAS

The biggest concern nowadays in United States is rising gas prices. The Americans who used to drive all the time and used to having the comfort of big cars with high consumption of gas rates are getting shocked each time they drive around gas stations. The petrol used to be so cheap in America now it is not true any more.

Everyday, we started to hear about rising gas prices.

Is this a start of new era in US?

Personally, I believe that the higher the gas price goes, the better for the future of all around the world. The more the prices increase, the higher there will be awaraness of finding alternative ways of energy and this will change the world and our future.

Let’s look at Europe and other countries.

�·They all have smaller cars which consume less gas. The cars with diesel are getting very popular.

�·The public transportation system is a lot more advanced and people do not rely on their own cars like we do in States. In Europe and in other countries, people use public transportation and socialize more.!!

�· They walk to more whereas in United States we drive from one shopping building to another in the same lot. Therefore, Americans are fatter and less dynamic

I believe that high gas prices will change the lives of American people and how they live will change.

�· The more protests for higher fuel rates will help companies to look and find alternative ways for gas. All countries around the world will benefit from this.

�· Public transportation in States will improve.

�· Americans will walk more and lose weight and soak up the sun while they walk, not the GAS

Long way to go to reach higher prices Europeans pay, $6-$7 a gallon. A long time to go and continue soak up the GAS.

Enjoy the drive.

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