Historical Outline of the American Political Parties

1. Why is this important?
a. Understanding of current social and political trends through study of history

b. Change through political system has had effects on the everyday lives of Americans
i. Labor laws
ii. Health care and the welfare state
iii. Consumer affairs and the price of goods

c. Third party politics of the past promise mechanism for change in the future

2. Eras of American Political History
a. 1792-1820 (The Democratic Republicans and the Federalists)
Democratic Republicans- Small government, vision of an agricultural and small industrial nation
Federalists- National economy, industrial nation, stronger government
Major Issues- Continued conflicts with France and England, assertion of independence from Europe, growth of military, internal development, Louisiana Purchase
Political Innovations- 1st state parties (D-R), rise of the public into electoral politics
Why Change?-1814 Hartford Convention threatens secession of New England, ends Federalists; strength of D-R at all levels of government, strong local elements; dissension within Federalist ranks

b. 1820-1828 (The Era of Good Feelings)
Sectional Interests-
i. North-beginnings of abolitionism; concern over national industrial growth
ii. South-agricultural culture, slavery, religious revival
iii. West-expansion, small government, aggressive Indian policy
Major Issues- constitutional issues from 1824 election, sectional conflicts, infrastructure development, tariffs, 1820 Compromise, Second Great Awakening
Political Innovations- 1st campaign biography (1824- Andrew Jackson) and attempts to make leaders seem more like the voters
Why Change?- 1825 “corrupt bargain” galvanized elements behind Andrew Jackson and a new party; sectionalism entrenched whereby parties created as mechanisms of electoral success

c. 1828-1856 (Democrats versus Whigs)
Democrats-Associated with rural whites and German/Irish immigrants, party built around Jacksonian ideals of strong executive to protect Americans from evils such as Bank of U.S. while maintaining local sovereignty
Whigs- Party established 1834 to counter Jacksonian tyranny and Democratic Party, small government, limited expansion into West, maintenance of virtue could bring forth stronger industrial nation
Major Issues- Bank of the United State, expansion westward, Mexican War, “manifest destiny”, Native American policy, slavery
Political Innovations- 1st modern electioneering (1832 Jackson, 1840 Harrison-use of slogans, rallies, campaign songs, uniform campaign policy)
Why Change?- expansion in the West led to extension of slavery argument, disagreements about how to govern new territories, political fault lines for civil war formed with Republican Party creation from Whigs and abolitionists

d. 1856-1920 (Democrats versus Republicans)
Democrats- Party associated with rebellion, South, ethnic urban voters; became activist and internationalist in the late 19th-early 20th century (Bryan, Wilson) in response to challenges to American isolation
Republicans-Progressive party, Northern and Western states, waved “bloody shirt” against Democrats, party of Lincoln helped to free slaves, support for business agenda
Major Issues-Civil War and Reconstruction, monetary policy, unionization of workers, rise of railroads and industry, role of government in business, America’s role in the world
Political Innovations- 1st fundraising networks (1896, Mark Hanna and the McKinley campaign)
Why Change?- war and postwar prosperity promised by Republicans, with Democrats promising an extended world role; want for isolation versus apparent failures of internationalism; World War, failure of peace and the League of Nations

e. 1920-1932 (Democrats versus Republicans)
Democrats- conflict between Southern and internationalist Democrats; beleagured by Wilsonian ideals, urban poverty
Republicans- laissez-faire; isolationist; interest in disarming world (including self) to prevent war; pro-business, favorable tax policy; maintain prosperity
Major Issues- postwar foreign policy, disarmament, tax policy, natural resources, political scandals, morality, prosperity
Political Innovations- 1st radio coverage of convention (1924 GOP convention)
Why Change?- Great Depression (hands off response by GOP disappointing); promise of change by reconstituted Democrats

f. 1932-Present (Democrats versus Republicans)
Democrats- liberal, expansion of government to administer social policies, internationalism, “peace party” in the 1960s and 1970s
Republicans- conservative, hawks, associate conservative values as “American”, smaller government, protection of homefront and growth in military
Major Issues- Depression, World War II, Cold War, rise of new media forces, social turbulence in the late 1960s, fuel crisis, rise of Middle East, technology, end of Cold War
Political Innovations- 1st campaign TV commercials (1956-Eisenhower), 1st televised debates (Kennedy/Nixon 1960).
How has it evolved?- civil rights, warming of Cold War, Middle Eastern politics/oil crisis

3. Why do third parties exist if we have a two party system?
a. Single issue reform (prohibition of alcohol, abolition of slavery)

b. Party constructed to aid candidacy of a strong leader (Theodore Roosevelt’s Bull Moose Party in 1912)
c. Frustration with the ideological direction of the major parties (States’ Rights Party, American Independent)

d. Attempt to return party politics to the majority/put democracy back in democratic elections (People’s Party, Green Party)

e. Political manifestation of social movements (Anti-Masons, Socialists)

4. Significant Third Party Themes in American Political History
a. Abolition
i. Liberty Party- 1840/44 (James Birnum); Northeastern party making economic argument for abolition of slavery (Southern excesses hurt Northern economic interests)
ii. Free Soil Party- 1848 (Martin Van Buren); argue for cheap land and abolition of slavery; supporters became integral to Republican Party in 1856

b. Morality
i. Anti-Mason Party-1832 (William Wirt); opposed elitism and encouraged strong moral values
ii. Prohibition Party-1888/92-prohibition of alcohol (party still exists)
iii. Know-Nothing (American) Party-1856 (Millard Fillmore)-Protestant party, claimed Catholics in America were beholden to the Pope and not the President

c. Workers’ Rights
i. Greenback Labor Party-1878-1880 (James B. Weaver)-shorter work day, bureau of labor statistics, restrict contract prison labor, restrict immigration
ii. People’s (Populist) Party- 1892 (James B. Weaver)-agricultural reform, electoral reform, railroad and communications management by government
iii. Socialist Party-1904-1920, 1932 (Eugene Debs, Norman Thomas)-worker control of industry, end to capitalism and oppression of worker, change American society to reflect values of working class

d. Progressivism
i. Theodore Roosevelt and the Bull Moose Party- 1912; protest direction of Republicans under Taft; corporate liberalism and welfare state
ii. Robert LaFollette and the 1924 Progressive Party- 1924; protest against Coolidge pro-business Republicans; anti-establishment, protection of farmers and workers from business and government
iii. Henry Wallace and the 1948 Progressive Party-expand civil rights, socialize some industries in interest of nation, critique of Truman’s foreign policy

e. Segregation
i. States’ Rights Party-1948 (Strom Thurmond); protest of Democratic civil rights plank; Southern party that took 3% of national vote

ii. American Independent Party-1968 (George Wallace); attack Great Society programs, split with Democrats on civil rights legislation, double digit percentage points in popular vote

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