History of Sweet Grass Basket Weaving

Sweet grass has been used by Native Americans for many years for many different purposes. Historically, Native American tribes used sweet grass in prayer because they thought of it as a sacred plant. This may be due to the fact that sweet grass doesn’t catch on fire when it burns. The plant merely smolders when an open flame is applied to it. Because of this, the sweet grass was often burned before prayer or ceremonies to bring about positive spirits.

The Native Americans soon realized that sweet grass could be used in basket weaving. They used berries to dye pieces of sweet grass various colors. These colored strands were used with natural colored strands to make intricate designs in the process of basket weaving. The baskets made during basket weaving were used to store corn and other crops as they were being picked from their gardens. Sweet grass basket weaving was also used to make baskets that could be used to store food and other belongings while traveling.

Africans were also known to use sweet grass in basket weaving. When slaves from West African were brought from the United States, they brought with them the tradition of basket weaving with sweet grass. While basket weaving has become an art form today, it was first used in to make a sturdy container that could be used for carrying rice. Once the slaves were brought to America, their sweet grass basket weaving was also used to make baskets that could carry fruits and vegetables as well. Sweet grass basket weaving was also used by many women to hold sewing materials and clothes.

After the slaves were freed, they continued with the tradition of sweet grass basket weaving. The tradition of basket weaving was passed on through generations. As African Americans became more integrated with society, sweet grass basket weaving spread. Not long after, the art of sweet grass basket weaving became commercialized.

Today, sweet grass basket weaving remains an art form for many people. There are seminars and courses aimed at teaching those interesting in how to do sweet grass basket weaving. The art form of sweet grass basket weaving can be performed as a hobby or as a means to make extra money on the side by selling the products of sweet grass basket weaving. There are people who are famous for basket weaving who have their art displayed in museums all over the country.

If some of the Native Americans and African slaves had been told that their work would one day be famous, they might have laughed as the sound of something so preposterous. It’s amazing that something that was once used for everyday life as now become a work of art. Sweet grass basket weaving as been around for centuries. Over the years, people have become better at the art of basket weaving. Lovers of art know that sweet grass basket weaving is truly an art comparable to the works of Mozart or even Leonardo Da Vinci.

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