Holistic Approach to Losing Weight

Many alternative doctors believe people are overweight due to imbalances in the body and the mind. The holistic approach involves looking at the emotional, nutritional, physical, and mental balance or imbalance associated with weight loss. Emotional imbalance is when food is used as a substitute for those suffering emotional distress. Nutritional imbalance is when your body cries out for foods that you are not supplying it with. Many diets include eliminating certain proteins and nutrients that your body needs or will crave. The so-called low carb diet is dangerous because many people will not eat carbs that the body needs and will eventually crave. Eliminating all carbs is dangerous to your health.
Physical imbalance is when your body stores toxins in the digestive system that drain your energy causing you to crave foods such as sugar or caffeine. Mental imbalance happens when your mind or thoughts focus on things in the past or future and not the present, like your present eating habits. When your body is in balance your eating habits will change for the better helping you to lose and maintain weight loss.
Here are a few ways to incorporate a holistic approach to weight loss. Having a smoothie or blender drink for breakfast helps to stop cravings. The smoothie provides all the essential proteins and nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, and protein that your body needs and that will help balance your system. Try this smoothie for breakfast. Mix 1 cup rice milk, 1 cup of soymilk, and 1 cup of apple, orange, or fruit juice, add 1 banana, 4 fresh strawberries, 1 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses and raw, organic bee pollen, and a tablespoon of the following; aloe vera juice, black cherry juice, powdered green formulation, powdered brewer’s yeast, and flaxseed oil.
To stop cravings for sweets and starches, take a 500 mg capsule of glutamine. Pour the contents under your tongue and let it dissolve. If you often feel tired and not able to concentrate, take 500-2000 mgs of tyrosine three times a day. However, start off taking 500 mg because tyrosine may cause you to become jitter. If you feel jittery, cut the dosage to 250 to 500 mgs three times a day. Take 500 mgs three times a day of D-Phenylalanine to overcome feelings of emotional distress. If you are stressed and tensed, take 100 to 500 mgs a day of gaba to help you relax. If you become depressed, anxious, or suffer from low self-esteem, take 50 to 100 mgs three times a day of the supplement 5-hydroxytryptophan.
Taking the following fats can actually help you lose weight. Take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil everyday with a meal to help restore your metabolism. To breakdown the enzyme that stores fat take 1,000 mgs of conjugated linoleic acid three times a day before meals. Eating more fish or taking fatty acid supplements will help to balance fats. Take 1,000 mgs of SuperMaxEPA two or three times a day.