Home Concrete Mold and Other Mold Growth Prevention Tips

Mold growth causes a lot of damage in the home if preventive steps are not taken in time. These damages can lead to many expensive repairs that are best avoided. The following are the 10 tips for preventing concrete mold and other house mold growths.

1. Organic matter on concrete surfaces and textiles promotes mold growth on them. Therefore it is necessary to keep the concrete, textile and other surfaces susceptible to mold growth clean. Mold usually grows on surfaces contaminated with soil and grease. To clean these surfaces use a grease removing solution of detergent and water to wash the hard surfaces such as floors and walls. For removing grease trisodium phosphate (TSP) is very effective. TSP is readily available in hardware and paint stores. As with any chemical you must use gloves when washing with TSP.

2. Textiles must be stored in clean and dry condition. Soiled textiles can be kept for a few days without washing if they are dry. To discourage growth of mildew you must store textiles in your closet or in a closed container in dry condition.

3. Humidity inside the home must be kept low. Humidifiers must be shut down if relative humidity levels are above 50 %. While taking a bath or shower and while cooking use exhaust fans exhausting to the outside. Wipe out shower walls with a sponge. Clothes dryers, kerosene and gas heaters should be vented to the outside. To reduce moisture inside the home get all plumbing leaks repaired and don’t store firewood indoors.

4. Mold spores can be removed before they settle inside the home by filtering the air inside with an air cleaner. Electrostatic air cleaners can also remove mold spores that are not large enough to be removed effectively by air filtration

5. To prevent mold growth it is necessary to dehumidify humid areas. A humidifier, furnace or airconditioner is helpful in dehumidifying humid areas inside the home. Keeping windows open and installing exhaust fans and vents can help if the air outside is less humid. Where new construction materials have been added inside the house it should be dehumidified and ventilated properly.

6. In areas that tend to be damp try to increase the air flow by removing any furniture slightly away from the damp wall to increase the air circulation there. Don’t over fill the closets as it will prevent air circulation and encourage the growth of mildew and mold. If mold tends to grow inside a closet then keep the doors open to increase air circulation. Louvered doors in closets can improve air circulation.

7. All textiles must be kept in dry condition. Textiles that are damp must be dried before storing them. Make sure not to store laundry in places that are damp. Textiles should preferably be stored in cloth bags or cloth sheets may be draped over them. For long periods of storage of textiles cloth is better than plastic covering as it allows ventilation whereas there may be condensation inside plastic bags when textiles are stored for long periods. Silica gel or similar dessicants can be used to reduce moisture in small enclosed spaces like closets, drawers and boxes, to prevent mold growth.

8. Moisture entry from outside should be kept at a minimum to prevent concrete mold growth. Any cracks in the basement walls or foundations must be sealed. The slope of the earth should be away from the walls of the house to prevent water accumulation at the foundations. Adequate measures should be taken to prevent rainwater from entering the house and windows should also be covered properly.

9. If there is condensation on the walls that causes concrete mold growth then adequate insulation should be provided to keep those walls warm. Installation of thermal pane windows can help to keep condensation away during winter months.

10. Provide ventilation in crawlspaces that tend to have high humidity. Installation of vapor barriers in the crawlspaces also helps to prevent moisture from the ground from entering and causing concrete mold growth.

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