Home Energy Conservation Tips

There are many small changes that you can make to your home to not only conserve energy but also save you some money. I have listed a few of these below.

Be sure and not leave the light on when you leave the room. You’ve probably heard this many times but once you make a habit of it, it will become automatic and save you some money on your electric bill.

Change the setting on your heat and AC units by a few degrees. This will not be too uncomfortable to live with and actually you might not even notice the difference, but it will make a sizeable difference in your energy consumption and, therefore, your pocketbook.

When you are buying new appliances check the energy efficiency on them. They may cost a little more but will be worth it in the long run. You might not realize how much energy and money you are saving but they will be doing their job in the background and will keep your bills and energy consumption down.

Another thing you can do, which may seem like a real hassle, is to unplug things like your toaster, can opener, radio, coffee pot, etc., at times when you aren’t using them. Just being plugged in, whether you are using them or not, can be a small energy drain, though not as large as when using them.

There are differing opinions about turning off your monitor or printer for your computer. From an energy standpoint it is better to do so. If nothing else, you could turn them off overnight when you will not be using them anyway.

Instead of regular light bulbs use compact fluorescents as they are much more energy efficient.

Replacing your windows with double paned windows can make a big difference but this can be expensive. You could start small and replace one or two at a time and eventually they would all get done.

Begin using cold water to wash your clothes instead of warm or hot. There are all kinds of detergents on the market now for cold water washing and this can help reduce your energy costs.

Take a shower instead of a bath as it usually takes less water, just don’t linger. Wash, rinse, and get out.

This was just a small list of a few things that you can do with little difficulty or money, but they will make a difference in your overall energy consumption and every little bit helps.

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