Home Essentials: Tool Kit for Your Home

Need to hang a shelf or a picture? Do you have an end table that needs repair? Whatever the DIY dilemma you can make these fixes a snap with your own Took Kit for your home. No more digging around for the right tool. No more using your shoe to bang in a nail. (I’ve done that!) Use your Took Kit to make all those simple jobs even simpler.

For years, I resisted the idea of having my own tool kit. But it came pretty apparent to me that I husband didn’t move fast enough to get the jobs done that I wanted done. Instead of calling for him every time I had a household dilemma, I put together my own Tool Kit and began doing small repairs myself. Word of warning here though, don’t tackle electrical jobs without an electrical license. Everything else is fine! I’ve refinished a table, remounted laundry room hangers for my mops and brooms, hung brackets and pictures. I get these things done in no time flat now that I’ve taken the time to put together my own Tool Kit. I don’t know who Lowe’s is more happy to see coming, me or my husband. Either way, it’s opened a brand new door for me. Now, I love a DIY challenge!

Let’s start with the Tool Kit. In order to simplify you’ll need a Tool Kit with a portable tool box. Preferably one with a takeout tray. A medium sized Tool Kit is all you need. A durable plastic one is a great choice and not too expensive. They come in all colors including pink! It should be easy to open and close. After you have your Tool Kit you’ll need to fill it up with supplies. Also you’ll need a plastic organizer to put small items in.
Here’s a list of the tools and supplies we used to fill ours up.

Hammer (16 oz w/rubber grip)
Phillips screwdriver
Flathead screwdriver
Adjustable wrench
Cordless Drill (9.6 volt with a key less chuck)
Staple Gun with staples
Hand saw with a fifteen inch blade
Hand sander
Measuring tape
Pliers (slip knot)
Box cutter
Putty knife
Leather gloves
Duct tape
Electrical tape
Wood glue
Plastic organizer

It’s a good idea to keep your kit in the same place. It helps when you need to go looking for it. I keep my in the laundry room. You can find many starter Tool Kits for your home online but beware of cheap ones. You get what you pay for when it comes to tools.

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