Home Heating Options: Heating with Vent Free Propane Heaters

My family has been considering updating our heating system. We’ve gone the woodstove route. No thanks. We’ve paid too much for kerosene for too long. No more. Lo and behold a solution did come to us via a flyer in the mail. Vent free propane heaters. Wow. What a concept.
Propane is known for burning hot and clean. It takes only a little propane to produce a whole lot of heat so the amount used is really minimal. Vent free propane heaters are VENT FREE. No flute or chimney required. They put off as much heat as a wood stove can without all of the chopping, splitting, and refilling. One heater alone can heat one thousand square feet. Vent free propane heaters heat the air then circulate it for optimal heat distribution throughout your home. Two heaters would heat an entire home. Each heater can be hooked into an outside propane tank easily. They cost much less as a heating option compared to the others, and are much less hassle.
The really cool things about vent free propane heaters is that they can hang on the wall. Really, they are much like wall art. They are beautiful. Many, and most vent free propane heaters have this awesome blue flame technology. As the heat they burn blue flames which are actually visible through the front panel of the stove. Can you imaging low cost heating that comes in the form of blue flame wall art?
Another really wonderful thing about using vent free propane heaters for heating your home is that when the power goes out the heat is still on. That’s not the case with any other heating option other than a woodstove. Actually, many woodstoves still use electric blowers to force heat into the home. Vent free propane heaters require no electric at all.
As if they couldn’t get any better. Vent free propane heaters are also controlled by thermostats. Isn’t that great? You can set the thermostat and now it won’t get too hot or too cold. You can know that propane is not being wasted by the heater constantly running. It’ll shut off when the desired room temperature is reached and come back on providing heat when the temperature falls. Compared to other home heating option vent free propane heaters look great!