Home Improvement Projects: Busy Moms Tell All

Michelle, mother of two: A Laundry Room Utility Sink
“When we built our new home four years ago, one of the things I knew that I wanted was a utility sink in my laundry room. My mother had one when I was growing up but until I became a Mom, I really didn’t know how much I would use it. When my children have been sick and there’s been puke on bedding and pajamas, I didn’t want to throw them right into the washer, yuck, but I wouldn’t have wanted to rinse them in the sinks or tubs where we go to brush our teeth or get clean either. But that’s not all. I’ve used my utility sink for rinsing muddy shoes and washing small rugs. At other times I have used it to hand wash sweaters or dresses with smocks.
The laundry room isn’t’ my favorite place to be but the utility sink sure makes these jobs easier.”
Cindy, a mother of six: A Laundry Shoot
“When we built our new home I was expecting our fifth child so I knew a lot about the features I needed. What I didn’t know was that I would also be blessed with a sixth child so I am really glad we included a laundry shoot from the upstairs into our laundry room. I originally wanted a laundry room upstairs but it didn’t seem to work with five bedrooms and three baths so the laundry shoot was a good compromise. Since four of our children share bedrooms, I am glad that I don’t have six hampers in their rooms.
Granted the basket can get overflowing and I still expect my oldest ones to come down and help sort and wash but at least the laundry quickly gets to the right place and there isn’t a ton of dirty laundry sitting around upstairs. Now if I could just get my husband to understand to how easy it is to use!”
Rebecca, a mother of three: Kitchen Corner Cabinet Lazy Suzannes
“When we finally decided to remodel our old kitchen, I went around to all of my friend’s and relative’s houses and started…laughs…going through their kitchen cabinets. I had been stuck with the same old same old for so long that I wasn’t even sure what I wanted. One thing that I decided I had to have was Lazy Suzannes for my corner cabinets in the kitchen. We were adding a U-shaped counter surface so we had two underneath corner cabinets.
I knew then, as a mother of one young child, that I wanted one for pots and pans because that had been, let’s say, a point of contention between my husband and I that our pots and pans were stacked and mangled tightly in a cabinet. Now that I have three growing children the corner cabinet Lazy Suzanne is even more valuable to me because I use one for their own cups, bowls, lunch boxes and so on so that they can reach them their selves and be more independent.”
Talking to busy Moms about their top home improvement wish lists was fun but also very educational because busy Moms really know the home improvement projects that make a house a fine running home.