Home Office Essentials

In your office you must know that you need equipment for the business that you are running. You can have a home office or a private office. Office essentials are a must have. A computer, printer, fax machine, and steady Internet connection are essential for work at home. Reliable computers can be found at reasonable prices. Dell, Compaq, and Gateway have suitable computers for good prices. It isn’t necessary to have the fastest computer. A 600 MHz with lots of memory will definitely suit most people’s needs. They cost a lot but are worth it. High-speed Internet connection. If you’re going to be using the Internet, it’s worth getting a cable or DSL connection if either option is available in your area. Consider buying a refurbished system if you’re on a tight budget. Check with friends who have purchased computers recently. What problems did they encounter when buying their PC? Who did they buy from? What was the after sales service like? Sometimes if they have a good computer then they can recommend you to the store.

Desk and chair. Don’t just drag a chair from your kitchen or use an old desk from your garage. Get a chair that tilts and adjusts to the height of your desk, and find a desk that allows you to keep your keyboard in an ergonomically correct position. Anybody running an online or other business from home is going to spend a considerable amount of time sitting down. It’s absolutely critical that you have a good office chair. Many people make the mistake of using a kitchen or spare household chair as the chair for their home office. Ideally the desk should also be L shaped. This allows you to place your work around you as opposed to constantly having to stretch and reach for different items. The L shaped desk will provide you with a more practical working environment as well as saving you back pain problems later in life.

Computer. Weigh your needs when deciding between a laptop and a desktop. Laptops are good if you travel or are short on space. But if you spend most days in the office, you may prefer a desktop with a larger keyboard and a monitor that’s easier on your eyes.

Business stationery. If you meet with clients or attend trade shows, business cards are a necessity. You should also consider investing in custom-designed letterhead and invoices. Place magazine, book,, brochures, card holders in front of the desk or door.

Fireproof lockbox or bank safe-deposit box. Make sure you have a place where you can securely store originals of important documents and backups of your work in case of fire or another disaster. Never leave money loose where someone can take it.
Camera security system. You can have a camera system put it the office if you feel it is best. Sometimes owners place them if there is expensive merchandise in the office.

Lighting should be adjusted. The light in your home office needs to be controlled. Too bright and it will produce glare on computer screens and documents. Too dim and it will cause eyestrain. Natural light is ideal because it gives diffuse (soft) light. To achieve diffuse lighting at nighttime set up your desk lamp off to one side of your desk. Adjust it until you have enough light to read comfortably. A home office that is too dimly lit will lead to eyestrain and headaches over time. If the area is too dark you’ll lean closer to the computer screen and documents to read them thus causing discomfort.

Cordless telephones. A cordless phone can increase your mobility and your ability to move around in your own home office. Cordless phones allow you to move to different rooms or if the weather is agreeable – work outside. Don’t leave yourself tied down by phone lines. Get speakerphones and microphones put in.
Shredders, fax machine, answering machine, file cabinets, folders and computer equipment. You will need all of this to help the office run smoothly.

Heat. This is the easy bit. Your home office should be neither too hot nor too cold. Is that stating the obvious? You need heat for the fall and winter season. Any extremes of temperature in your home office will lead to decreased work performance. Normal room temperature is about 75 degrees. Adjust it the way you feel is comfortable.

If you have children in your home make sure the office is childproof. Anytime you are not working in your home office, be sure that everything is put away and nothing tempting is left out. That way if you aren’t nearby, you know that the home office space is safe and no harm can come to your child.

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