Home Organization – Don’t Let Your Clutter Take Over!

Your kids room; I find that laying out my daughters clothes before I go to bed saves me time finding her something to wear in the morning. If you clean out their closet every season it will also save time in the future. I also found that cleaning her room right before she goes to bed makes it so much nicer in the morning, to see her room so clean. Even if it doesn’t stay that way, I know I hate waking up to a trashed house, so even if it’s just one clean room, I’ll take it!
Your bedroom: Just like laying my daughters clothes out, I try to lay out my own as well. Even though there are occasions when I change my mind the next morning and don’t like what I laid out for myself, it still saves me time if I’m in a hurry and don’t have a choice but to wear what I put out.
The bathroom(s): At night I find that putting my daughters toys from her bath back in the basket and picking up all the dirty clothes, etc, is a big help. I put everything away that doesn’t need to be out, and make sure everything’s ready for me in the morning; towels, etc.
Your living room: Picking up after my daughter is a chore all its own. I usually pick up at night, therefore its clean most of the next day before she destroys it again. I put all her toys away, pick up all the books, move her chairs back where they go, and then sweep the floor. Hardwood floors are good for that. But when I’m done and see it so tidy, I feel so much better.
Your kitchen: I usually do dishes right after supper, if not while I’m cooking, so that everything is clean and I don’t have to worry about dreading doing them later or feel crappy when I get up the next day and realize I forgot to do them. Wipe the table and counters down and sweep the floor and I’m done.
Laundry: I do my laundry whenever I can, but I enjoy laundry. (Weird, I know) The key is to put away your clean laundry ‘right’ after it is done. No folding and stacking and letting them sit while you dig out something every day until there is no stack left because you’ve worn everything already! This works fine for some people, but it only takes a bit to put the laundry away. If you have kids that are grown enough to help, let them. Or tell them, whichever you have to do.
This all may sound overwhelming and like it would take forever, but I will tell you this much. The first time may seem like it feels like forever, but after that very first time, it only gets easier. Everything stays cleaner because you pick up everyday, and everything is neater and more organized. I’m not saying my house is never a mess, because there are times I don’t feel like doing a darn thing, including picking up toys, laundry so I don’t. But I do dread doing it after it’s sat and accumulated two days worth of pile up. I’d rather do it every day than once every few days because it takes my entire evening!
I hope these tips help you out and if you have some suggestions, I’d like to know. I’m always looking for a way to stay on top of things!!