Home Remedies for Your Allergy Symptoms

Facing the change in season with raging vigor is an impossible feat if pummeled with the dreaded allergy. Visiting an allergist may be an option, however a list of home remedies may be just as viable a solution for battling your allergy.
Dust, pet dander, pollen and mold are common allergy threats. Remedy your symptoms by ridding your home of common pests:
* Remedy #1- Ditch the carpet and invest in throw rugs: Carpet is a safe haven for pet dander, dust and mold. These allergy threats live inside the carpet, and the flooring stays warmer, making for a perfect environment for mold. Throw rugs can be easily washed, helping you to stay allergen-free.
* Remedy #2- Dig out the dehumidifier: Keeping the air clean is crucial to resolving allergy issues in the home.
* Remedy #3- Keep the air conditioner running: Though not a cost-effective method, closing off the outside allergy threats helps keep your home a safe-haven from pollen, mold and dust.
* Remedy #4- Protect your bedding: Encasing bedding in plastic, puchasing synthetic pillows, and frequently washing mattress pads in hot water help eliminate allergy threats.
Natural Remedies
Working to eliminate the threat of allergies is a first step in home remedies. Sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes are still within the realm of possibility, however, and can be lessened by the following allergy remedies:
* Remedy #1- Vitamin C: Consuming high doses of vitamin C lessens inflamation, thereby lessening allegy symptoms such as hay fever and asthma. Taking 16 grams of vitamin C orally over a 24 hour period following pollen exposure has been shown to significantly reduce allergy symptoms.
* Remedy #2- Bee smart: Before allergy season, begin taking small doses of bee pollen. Work your way up to larger doses to help counteract hay fever allergy attacks. Should the hay fever symptoms rear themselves, however, chewing on honeycomb can provide relief.
* Remedy #3- Aromatherapy: Allergy attacks can be soothed using lavender and chamomile oils.
* Remedy #3- Raid the spice rack: Cayenne pepper, ginger, garlic and onions all help flush the body of toxins and allergy symptoms.
* Remedy #4- Visit your local drug store: Over the counter antihistamines and eye drops can help calm allergy symptoms such as runny noses, sneezing and itchy eyes.
* Remedy #5- Clean with bleach: Basic bleach such as Clorox is a mold killing fungicide. Dilute �¾ cup of bleach in a gallon of water and get down and dirty scrubbing the bathroom, floors, vinyl, tile, woodwork and appliances. Set it for five minutes and rinse.
* Remedy #6- Set a new fashion trend: Donning a face mask may not make for the trendiest showing, though neither will runny mascara. Wearing the face mask during tasks which expose you to mold or dust, such as gardening and vacuuming will significantly cut down on allergy triggers. A special trip to the hardware store to search for a face mask will prove successful; 3M offers a cost-effective, highly recommended mask.
* Remedy #7- Invest in hired help: Paying a housecleaner or gardener to task themselves with chores that find you sniffling and sneezing may be well worth the money.
Should allergy symptoms remain after using these home remedies for 7-10 days, visiting your doctor may prove the best course of action. Keeping in tune with your body and taking proactive measures towards relief will help keep you sniffle free throughout the allergy season.