Home Remedies to Remove Sticky Grease from Stoves and Kitchen Appliances

Are you having trouble removing grease from your stove top or other kitchen appliances? Dried oil can be very difficult to remove, and sometimes even the strongest commercial household cleaners can’t cut the grease. Sometimes the more you try to remove a sticky, greasy film, the stickier it becomes.

There are home remedies that cut dried cooking oil with minimal work, and these home remedies cost far less than store-bought cleaners and degreaser products. If your stove or other kitchen appliances are coated with dried grease, try the following home remedies to dissolve the oil and clean your appliances. You’ll save a great deal of time and money, and removing the grease will take just a little bit of elbow grease and a helpful home remedy.

The Power of Vinegar

White vinegar is a great home remedy for removing the sticky, greasy residue from stove tops and other kitchen appliances. Simply pour white vinegar into a spray bottle, and spray straight vinegar on the sticky, greasy mess. Allow the vinegar to soak in for a few minutes, and wipe away the mess with a dishcloth or heavy duty paper towel saturated with hot water. A plastic or non abrasive scrubber is also very effective when removing kitchen grease.

Grease Dissolving Dishwashing Liquid

If your stove or other kitchen appliances are spattered with dried cooking oil, instead of trying commercial kitchen cleaners that don’t work very well, try grease dissolving dishwashing liquid. Dishwashing liquid that contains degreaser works great at removing dried kitchen oil. Simply soak a rag in hot water, ring out the rag, and apply dishwashing liquid. Use a circular motion to rub and scrub away the dried oil. Rinse away the soap, and repeat the process if necessary.

Baking Soda Scrub

Baking soda is great for a number home remedies and cleaning uses, and baking soda makes a fantastic non abrasive cleanser for cleaning dried grease spatters from the stove, range hood, and other kitchen appliances. Simply dampen a clean kitchen sponge, sprinkle a little baking soda on the sponge, and scrub away the greasy mess. The baking soda won’t scratch appliances, and it will leave them naturally clean and fresh.

Greasy Cleaner

If you’re having trouble removing the stubborn greasy film from your stove or other kitchen appliances, try using cooking oil. Believe it or not, grease removes grease, and you can easily remove the sticky film left by spattered grease with a greasy paper towel. Simply apply vegetable oil to a paper towel, and rub it over the sticky, greasy mess. The stuck-on grease will come off like magic. After removing the stuck-on grease, follow up with a commercial kitchen cleaner or dishwashing liquid and water. Your stove or other appliances will sparkle and shine after trying this amazing home remedy.

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