Home Remedy: WD-40 Has Lots of Uses for Your Home

There are far more uses for WD-40 than just to oil squeaky hinges.

The formula for WD-40 was created by three technicians that worked at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. The technicians were trying to compile a water displacement compound for a project they were assigned. While you will never know what the ingredients are in WD-40 due to it being highly safeguarded, there is not anything in the recipe that is harmful.

They were able to find success for the water displacement compound on their 40th try. This is how the name for WD-40 came to be. Once they had the compound, they tried the WD-40 on things at home and later began to put the compound in aerosol cans and marketed it.

WD-40 Uses

The following uses for WD-40 have been tested for various reasons and have been found to work.

WD-40 can do the following:

� Lubricate and clean your guitar strings.

� Keep pesky flies off of cows.

âÂ?¢ Remove lipstick stains. Don’t get any idea guys.

� Works well for unsticking stubborn zippers.

� Keeps silver from tarnishing. Great idea for not having to polish your silver tea set.

� You can give your floors that just waxed looked with the slips and slides of waxing.

� You can clean and restore chalk boards. Good idea for school teachers.

� Untangle those jewelry chains with ease.

� Remove the stains from your stainless steel sinks.

� Keep your terra cotta plant pots from oxidizing.

� Get tomato stains out of clothing.

� Keeps your scissors in working order.

� The obvious, stops door hinges from squeaking.

� For a super ride on the play gym slide, use it for a shine.

� Stops the squeak in your rocking chairs and swings.

� Lubricates window and sliding door tracks.

� Shine your vinyl bumpers, clean and restore leather vehicle dashboards.

� Stops the squeak in fans.

� Lubricate the working parts on your bicycles.

� Can help your umbrella with easier opening when sprayed on the stem.

� Lubricate the gear shift and deck levers on your riding lawn mower.

� Rid your shower doors of water spots.

� Can camouflage the scratches in marble and ceramic floors.

� Use a lubricant for your washer and dryer working parts.

� Stop the rust from forming on your saw blades and other tools.

� Will keep your bathroom mirror from fogging over.

� Remove the sticky left from duct tape.

âÂ?¢ Pigeons will leave the area where WD-40 is sprayed because they don’t like the smell.

âÂ?¢ Rid your stove top from grease splatter. Personally haven’t tried this one.

� Rumor has it, WD-40 can relieve arthritis pain in your joints.

� WD-40 protects the outside of the Statue of Liberty from the elements of nature.

� Rid your flooring from black scuff marks.

� Use it on your distributor cap. This would be easier for late model vehicles.

� Remove your little ones crayon drawings from your wall by spraying WD-40 on and wiping the crayon marks off the wall.

� Stops the itch and stinging of fire ant bites. Might work on mosquito bites too.

� Bug remover for your car windshield and bumpers.

While there aren’t many uses for WD-40, it’s still a great product to have on hand for those pesky squeaks that annoy throughout the day.

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