Home Schooling Advice for Success

Initially you’ll be required to fill out a form stating how many children will be home schooled along with their ages and grade level. The form also asks you to name the school (your home) and give the location. An administrator, usually yourself or spouse, must be appointed over the school. In most states you must provide proof that home school children have been inoculated for childhood illnesses.
It’s not difficult to find most of the information you need to begin home school. Go online and search for “home school” along with the name of your state or your state capitol. Make a list of the required subjects for the particular grade level of your child.
It is the responsibility of the home school teacher to write an appropriate curriculum but help can be found by searching for “7th grade curriculum” online. Plan the curriculum for the year but be prepared to make changes as the year progresses. Some students learn quicker when they experience a one-on-one learning process and extra activities may need to be injected into the curriculum. In addition, you may find that your child needs much less time for history than math. Since children often have a particular subject that is more difficult than others, consider lengthening the time spent in the problematic subject.
Make a time schedule. Allow a certain amount of hours, days or weeks on particular subjects or projects. Pencil in breaks, lunchtime and special events on the schedule. Since there are usually only one or two students in a home school classroom, as opposed to a couple dozen in public classrooms, some states require less classroom hours than with public school. In addition, days which students are not required to attend, because of the weather or other circumstances, are not necessary for home school children, allowing them to finish a year of school in less days than if they were attending public school.
In some towns, public schools will work with home schools when it comes to taking field trips or helping to acquire books. If possible get copies of the same books that your public schools are using. If not, there are many book stores online that have appropriate text books for your child’s grade level.
One great aspect of home school is that you can incorporate your own religious beliefs into the curriculum whereas public schools have mostly banned all religious content to the day’s studies or activities. After meeting the state’s requirements for particular subjects, you’re free to teach your child whatever else you wish, such as religion or a foreign language.
In many states, a second language is a requirement after the 6th grade. In some states it is required even sooner. For help with subjects where maybe you’re not as knowledgeable, consider trading off with other home school parents. Whereas you might be extremely knowledgeable in algebra, another parent maybe gifted when it comes to speaking a foreign language. Trading students for certain subjects not only makes it easier on the teacher but gives the child a break from a parent-teacher as well.
Begin the new school year with a room set up as a class. Start on time, take only the designated breaks and proceed as a real school. Structure is the best way to help your child learn. Try to schedule events, sports, and lots of fun, along with the regular curriculum.