Home Security Alarms – Safety or Hype?

You install them to ensure the safety of your family. Many people all over the country pay hundreds and thousands of dollars to install top of the line security systems with alarms in their homes, cars and businesses. In this day and age, however are security alarms really all they were meant to be? We live in a society that often hears the alarms but then looks the other way. Have we, as a national community, really become complacent?

When security alarms were first developed they were crude compared to the alarm systems of today. Manually operated, security alarm systems of ole were set off by some guy with a ball peen hammer, to let the village know that there was danger on the way. Today’s security alarm systems are laser guided, motion activated and loaded for bear. Trouble is today’s security alarm systems also have something else, a society that is used to hearing them sound off.

According to Brinks Home Security, one the nations largest home security suppliers, it just doesn’t pay any more to have the simply security alarm that sounds off. A homeowner has little choice but to choose a system that hooks up directly to local law enforcement or to a security company. In a day and age when the average person is busy whisking off here or there, people rarely stop to even notice and alarm that is sounding.

Take for instance, a busy downtown mall parking lot, how many times have you heard a security alarm in a car going off and only casually glanced around. It happens every day and it happens with home security alarms even more often. In the 1970’s and 80’s people also knew their neighbors so when the home security alarm went off, the neighbors called the police. Today, the average suburbanite doesn’t even know their neighbor.

So what is a person to do? Does it simply not pay to have a security alarm system? The answer is yes, it does pay to have a system however that system needs to have kept up with the times and be sophisticated enough to call the local police in the event the alarm sounds. Many of today’s security alarm systems come already equipped to either call the police or the actual alarm company. The security alarm still sounds, some thing that still has been proven to scare some would be thieves away, however today’s alarm systems also call for help. So go ahead an install that security alarm, just make sure that the one you choose makes that back up call too.

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