Home Security: Apartment and Condominium Safety

Living in apartment building, has perils, often over looked or considered. Prevention’s against: fire, injury, and crime. Have you seen: Movie ‘Towering Inferno,’ and imagined, how to survive and escape, if your building, was on fire? Does you family, have an escape route or exit strategy, in case of an emergency or fire? Everyone living an apartment building or condominium: Consider the safety of property and lives of others. Have your local fire and police department, advise your apartment or condominium association residence: How to live safe and secure.

Unfortunately, if you have, only one way to get out of your apartment, clear the pathway, of any obstruction. Available, more than one doorway or exit, which ever is near a stairway, first accessed leaving, during emergency or fire. If an alternative stairway is available, should be second, way to escape, when first choice is obstructed or unattainable. Never place any obstacle near or on a stairway. Emergency lighting, should be near all stairways, and exist signs illuminated. Never, use the elevator, during a fire. The elevator becomes a death trap, stops operating during a fire or electricity is turned off. Common procedure, extinguishing clothes on fire: Stop, drop, and roll, recommended teaching children. Occupants of an apartment, designate an exit plan, and place to meet outside, during an emergency. Once you have reached, a designated safety area, outside your apartment building: Count all members of your family, residences of your apartment, residences of your building and pets. If anyone is missing, notify the police or fire department. This evacuation process practiced, few times a year.

At least twice a year, check your smoke detectors. Replace any batteries, if necessary. Good time, checking smoke detectors, before daylight savings time. Smokes detectors installed, one outside each bedroom, and hallway. Some smoke detectors, connected to alarm system companies. Connection, alarm company should be tested, at least, twice a year. Never smoke in bed or leave candle lights, unattended. In 2001, common cause of apartment fires, careless disposal of smoking material. If the electricity is turned off, don’t use, candle lights. Use only flashlights.

Portable barbecues should be placed, far away, from any combustible material Often, fire codes in many states, prohibit using portable barbecues, in an apartment or condominiums. Always, have a fire extinguisher and first Aid kit nearby. Know, how to use a fire extinguisher and administer first aid, any emergency. Keep children away, from any type of barbecue. Never store gasoline in an apartment or condominium, besides fire code prevention.

Avoid, using any extension cords, permanently under carpets, from one apartment to another or connected to outside electrical appliance. This type of wiring is likely fray. Especially, extension cords not UL (Underwriter Laboratory) approved, over heat and cause a fire. Always, unplug irons, curling irons or similar appliances, not in use.

Install sturdy and secure locks on doors and windows. Preferable, entrance doors have a dead-bolt lock and peephole viewer. A door viewer or peephole, observe anyone, not less than 190 degrees. Some, home alarm systems, include a chime device, actives whenever, a door (including slide glass doors) or window is open. Sliding glass doors to balconies, secured by pins, locks or rod in the frame track, preventing any burglary or unwanted visitors. Otherwise, simple alarm systems installed, on each door and window. When a door or window is opened, alarm will sound, unless device was deactivated. Alarm systems installed in apartments or condominiums, have back-up battery. Activated, whenever electricity is not available. Should be familiar, how to unlock and lock: Security devices, in the dark. Home security alarm systems, have a security code. When entered, turn on or off the system. The security code known, only to residence, in the apartment or condo, and any trusted, friend or relative. Always, lock your door or turn on your alarm system: Taking out the garbage, getting the mail, visiting a neighbor or talking to someone, outside your door. Secure any gates with padlocks, and heavy shackles, provide additional security.

Park your car or vehicle, away from fire hydrant, entrance way or handicap parking spot.
In case of emergency, parking spot available for emergency vehicles. Preferable, park your car under or near a light pole. Secure, your car with any ant-theft device, remove all valuables especially from eyesight, place tire locks on each tire (or more then one), and remove any documents or papers, disclosing your apartment number or condo.

Next to each telephone, written your apartment or condo number, address, and telephone number. Also, list telephone numbers to call, for any emergency, including relatives, neighbors and friends. Provides helpful information for baby-sitters, and visitors. Always, recharge any portable telephone.

Get to know your neighbors. If possible, exchange keys, alarm codes, and telephone numbers, for emergencies. Know the vehicles, your neighbors are driving. Observe, any unfamiliar person, near any vehicle, call police, and owner of the car.

Portable heaters should be placed, at least, three feet away: Curtain, bedding, furniture or combustible materials. Especially, kept away, from Christmas trees or flammable liquid. Children and elderly taught: How to prevent, getting burned. Turn off any portable heaters, before going to sleep.

Garage doors should be locked with a key, by remote control or some other, security devise. The garage door should have a sensor, preventing the door from closing, onto any obstruction. When closing a garage door, wait until the door, has completely locked, before leaving. Observe, anyone attempts to enter, before the garage door closes, and ensuring the mechanism locked. Also, never open the garage door, when unidentified occupants are outside.

States accustomed, tropical storms or hurricanes, residents have hurricane shutters, on windows and porch. Most of the time, shutters prevent any damage, from wind, flying debris or falling trees. Some windows are manufactured, preventing damage by high windows or flying debris. Living above first floor, more wind damage occurs, during a hurricane. Precaution, don’t stand near windows and balcony.

Bending mirrors should be placed, in hallways, prevention against crime, waiting to see guests arrive or leave. Also, placing bending mirrors, in corner of elevators, to see anyone, before entering. Hallways should be well lit, lights bulbs missing or burned out, should be replaced. Bending mirrors serve no benefit, when hallways are dark.

Your standing in the elevator, and a suspicious person enters, then walk out. Otherwise, press as many floor buttons or if you are accosted. Always, look to see, who’s in the elevator, before entering. Elevators should have an emergency button to press, calling authorities or notifying residents, of an emergency.

Many apartment buildings have laundry facility, in the basement. Avoid, going to the basement alone. Do your laundry with an accompanying neighbor. Preferable carry a cell phone.

Apartment building, often have a buzz system, allowing visitors to enter, by a tenant. Never, buzz anyone into the building you don’t know or cannot identify. Don’t assume, someone needs to enter, claiming an emergency. Then call the police or fire department.

Many apartment management companies and condominium associations, screen potential new tenant or owner, before approval. Criminal background checks are conducted by various agencies or Internet websites. Certain convictions, not allow approval.

Living with children or babies, provide additional safety measures, including gates, child safety locks, and electrical protection devices. Also, cleaning chemicals, and medicines, safely secured.
Sharp objects should be locked away.

Trees and bushes should be trimmed, preventing a secure hiding place, for criminals. Also,
Obstructing a chance, for lightening. During major storms, trimmed bushes or trees, cause less damage, for personal property.

Security cameras strategically located, provide surveillance, and help prevent crime. The cost maybe prohibited, many apartment or condominium developments, but individual surveillance cameras, provide some security. State or local jurisdictions, maybe limit the use of surveillance cameras. Many surveillance cameras are unnoticeable, survey parking areas, entrances and hallways. Some, security cameras are fake or dummy, deterrent against, criminal activity.

Many insurance companies, offer coverage for apartment and condominium, theft, injury, and damage. An umbrella policy provides, additional coverage. Some, homeowner insurance policies, include assessment coverage. When associations incur unexpected expenses, charged to condominium owners.

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