Home Security: How to Hide Anything, Anywhere

The old book trick
I have had a money book for years without ever having had money missing or stolen. What burglar reads? I took an old, thick book I bought at a yard sale and cut out a small pocket in the middle to hold a little money. Its easy to cut out a small stash spot in any book. Simply take a utility knife and open the book to the middle. Trace a rectangle about 1 inch from the border of the pages to the inside of the book. Cut through as many pages as you can at one time. This prevents the pages from being torn and makes quick work of the book. If it’s a valuable, you don’t intend on recovering for a while you can glue the book shut for extra safekeeping.
The jar inside the jar
This classic hiding spot always works well. Take a large pickle jar or Mason jar. Now take a small jar such as a spice jar or a salt and peppershaker. Place the valuables inside the smaller jar and place it inside the larger jar. Now fill the large jar with sugar, rice or anything that blends in with you kitchen supplies. Cover the smaller jar completely and stash it in your pantry. I never heard of a thief stealing rice before.
Hollow candle
I had the idea years ago when I used a long candle during a power outage. The inside of the long candle burnt out while the outside remained intact. Since I had a few tea candles I decided to use them up inside the old long candle. When I slipped the first tea candle inside the long hollow candle, I found that it only slid down a few inches and left a hollow spot inside. Once I removed the candle, I realized I could place the tea candle inside the long hollow candle, insert my valuables and fill it over with wax. I only needed to burn the candle a bit to complete the disguise.
With a little imagination and some crafty work, just about anything can be hidden anywhere!