Home Security: How to Spot a Suspicious Activity

Have you ever thought that something doesn’t seem right about a person and didn’t act on it because you were not sure if you should trust your gut or just ignore it? Well, here are some suspicious activities you might want to act on.

1. People seen going house to house – If you see a person or more than one person lurking around a house and then going on to the next house and so on; these persons might be looking for a house to burglarize. A burglary could be in process if you see one person stay at the front of the house while another person goes around to the back.

2. Somebody is standing in front of the home – If you know that the homeowners are away and someone is at the front of the home for a period of time this may alert you that there maybe already someone burglarizing the house and the other person out front is the look out.

3. People are seen breaking in – When you see someone literally breaking into a house that does not belong to that house immediately dial 911. At this point it is a criminal act.

4. Take note if you see someone at a house that does not live there – this goes along with the previous activity. Again the person may be staking out the place to commit a burglary or there may be a burglary in the act.

5. Some one is running away with an object – When you see someone suspiciously running away from a house carrying something especially if it is valuable. The act could be a dead giveaway that the person has just stolen an item and is leaving the scene of the crime.

6. Person showing physical and mental symptoms – Another suspicious activity to look out for is people acting strangely. This could mean that excessive alcohol or drugs are being used. Many times this could lead to other criminal acts, so this type of behavior by people should be monitored.

7. People are moving property at night – People seen carrying items especially if they are unwrapped and it is dark outside is suspicious and they might be stolen items.

8. Many people are seen entering and leaving a house – If you see many people entering and leaving a house at all times of the day or night and on a regular basis, this should be considered suspicious. This kind of activity may be drug related.

Hopefully after reading about these activities you will be more aware of suspicious activities you may see in your own neighborhood.

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