Home Selling Tip: Add Value to Your Home with Windows

The View ~
No matter how great your windows look, that can be completely negated by a lousy view when people look out of them. Do you have windows in your home that face an alley, a tree trunk, or the neighbor’s laundry line? Sometimes it’s worth it to relocate a window to improve the view.
Efficiency ~
Energy efficient windows are much more important to people these day that they were in the past. With the costs of electricity and gas climbing steadily, buyers are likely to ask what the insulation rating of the windows are. If you’re planning to replace any windows, be sure to upgrade to high-quality insulated windows. The initial cost will be quickly offset by the energy cost savings.
The estimated cost to put new windows in an average 2,600-square-foot home is about $10,000. The savings in energy will typically pay you back that cost within five years.
Skylights ~
Skylights are still seen as a touch of elegance. They are easy to install, and typically no more expensive than adding a traditional window. In addition to adding value to your home through their visual appeal, a properly placed skylight can help keep down your heating and cooling costs.
Window Coverings ~
Curtains, blinds, and swags can dramatically change the look of a room. Make sure that your window coverings are updated before you start showing your house to prospective buyers. Blinds and curtains that have been up a while can be refreshed by washing them. You’ll be amazed at the accumulation of dirt and grime that builds up on them!
Wash Your Windows ~
This is one of the most often overlooked aspect of windows. Your prospective buyers are likely to pull aside the drapes or blinds, so that they can check out the view. Don’t let them be greeted by dust, steaks, and fingerprints. A quick squirt of Windex and a rub with a paper towel will have them sparkling clean once again.
Taking advantage of these tips will give your house quality, updated windows that will be more attractive to potential buyers. That can help your home sell faster!
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