Homemade Bed Frame

Have you ever wanted to build your very own custom bed frame, but you were not sure where to begin? Rooms come in all different shapes and sizes and it’s difficult to find the best bed frame that is the best fit. With this easy do it yourself project you can create your very own custom bed frame that will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Materials for this project


*Hand or electric saw


*Screw Driver

*Fine Sandpaper

*Tape measure

*Wood Glue

Determining the size of your bed frame

In building your custom bed fame you are going to first want to decide how wide and long you want your bed frame to be. If you have a particular area of the room that you would like to place your bed, mark as far as you can so that you can place the largest bed possible. Once you have determined the largest amount of space for your bed frame compare it to the size of mattresses that are available. While they are usually a set size and shape, they can vary slightly so it is best to build your frame slightly bigger than the mattress you select. Since you will want to get the most use out of your bed frame it is best to select a mattress size that is common and can fit virtually anywhere so that the bed frame can remain in use for a long time to come. After selecting the mattress size add an additional inch and a half to the length and the width to determine your bed frame, this will allow for variation in mattress size down the road when you purchase a replacement.

Constructing your bed frame

In constructing your bed frame measure and cut two long boards that are equal to your and two others that are equal to your width. Lay the boards on the ground and attach them together with the help of wood glue, allowing them to dry for twenty four hours. Measure the width inside the bed frame and cut four boards of that length, these will act as the support for your mattress. Place them inside the bed frame with wood glue on each of their ends, allowing twenty four hours before moving on to the next step. Cut our four six inch long pieces of wood and place them underneath the bed frame, attaching them to the frame with wood glue and allowing another twenty four hours of drying time. After the bed frame has had time to dry, screw in three screws that are equal distance apart at each contact point of the frame, adding as an extra support for the now glued together frame. Complete the attachment of the legs of the bed frame by drilling three screws at a forty five degree angle equal distance apart into each piece so that the screw begins to pass through the leg piece and enters into the bed frame. If you would like you can use wood varnish to add a more finished look to your bed frame, but simply sanding it down with sand paper will also work. If you choose to use wood varnish for this project, make sure that the whole bed frame is sanded down prior to doing so.

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