Homemade Birthday Invitations for Kids

Most parents try to make their child’s birthday a memorable one. They do this in many ways, from hiring clowns, to taking the ultimate trip, to baking and decorating the cake themselves. No matter what you have planned for your child’s birthday this year, you’ll definitely need invitations. No, not ordinary invitations – extra special ones that you make yourself.

Kimberly Ann Good, one of AC’s many writers, takes us step-by-step through the process of making your own birthday invitations, in her article: ‘Unique and Creative Homemade Birthday Party Invitations For Kids‘. She explains how you’ll not only save money by making the invites yourself, but how unique birthday invitations grab attention and remind the invited to show up for the party. And, as she points out, children can assist in making the invitations, meaning they can participate in more than just the actual party.

One of her suggestions, a puzzle party invitation, is definitely a unique idea. The card is made like a puzzle and the recipient must put it together to read the details. What fun for small kids and what a one-of-a-kind idea! When the puzzle invitation arrives in the recipient’s mailbox the child will be thrilled and will have a project to accomplish which will make him or her even happier. Another idea she has is to make a birthday party bag that contains candies and details of the party. Kids will love either one of these unique birthday party invitations.

Ms. Good hails from Highland, Indiana, and is interested in word games, gardening, fishing, Harley riding, nature and cooking. She has published over 150 times on Associated Content, with articles on topics like home cleaning projects and repairs, appliance tips, recommended websites, legal aid, and Indiana guides for travel. She also has numerous flower and plant articles, as well as pet info and relationship tips.

Kimberly states that the reasons she loves working for AC include the fact that she can work when she wants and can do so from home, she doesn’t have to dress up for the job, and because she doesn’t have editors breathing down her neck. She enjoys working when and for how long she wishes, rather than following strict guidelines about hours or worrying about dress codes.

She proves that these conditions work well for her, by publishing articles like ‘Homemade Father’s Day Gifts For Kids‘, ‘Bible School Craft Projects‘, ‘Making a Lazy Susan For Your Cabinet or Cupboard‘, and ‘Weaving a Saint Bridget’s Cross‘, among other articles. She says that one of her favorite things about the submission process is choosing the beautiful or unique photos that will accompany her articles. To her, this is an important process that puts the finishing touches on her masterpiece.

Although Kimberly writes on a number of different topics her crafting articles are impressive and well-explained. She takes you step-by-step through the process of each craft and gives tips on what types of materials to use, as well as how to start and finish the process.

Need to make a professional-looking sign for your business, church or home? She’ll take you through the steps. Interested in making tissue paper flowers? No problem. She’s got the techniques and is willing to share them with you. Kids getting restless? Kimberly can show you some fabulous games you can make at home to keep them entertained.

We here at Associated Content look forward to even more content in the future, from Kimberly Ann Good. She has proven herself to be knowledgeable on many subjects, and continues to enlighten us with her content. Thanks Kimberly!

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