Homemade Cures for Children with the Chicken Pox Virus

Statistics & Facts On Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox infects about three million children under the age of 15 each year. An infected child is contagious for one or two days before the rash appears and remains contagious until all of the lesions have dried up, which takes approximately five days. Children between the ages of twelve months and twelve years should get the primary Chicken Pox vaccination. A one time injection is all that is needed until the child reaches the age of thirteen. Then a Chicken Pox injection given twice at four months apart is recommended for the child that has never had the Chicken Pox Virus. Chickenpox, which occurs most often in the late winter and early spring, is very contagious, and if other family members become exposed to an infected child, about 80% to 90% of those in the household who haven’t had chickenpox will get it.

Quite a few children suffer from the beginning symptoms of Chicken Pox which includes fever, stomach pain, and occasionally, a slight nauseated feeling. After two days the child will break out with a rash on the trunk, face and extremities that resembles an insect bite, then it develops into fluid filled blisters that break, and scab over. During this time the child will attempt to scratch the lesions which can leave permanent scars, so it is best to cut their fingernails and apply an anti-itch paste to the lesions.

Homemade Remedies for Chicken Pox

Most of these are aimed at relieving the itching that occurs from the Chicken Pox Virus, but a few help promote faster healing. It is thought that the cause of Chicken Pox comes from poor eating habits. Children that do not eat enough fruits and vegetables have a diminished defense mechanism necessary to fight off childhood illnesses.

Homemade Anti-Itch Paste

1 Tablespoon of Baking Soda
1 Tablespoon of Vinegar

Mix together to make a smooth paste. Smooth the paste onto the child’s Chicken Pox lesions to stop itching and to promote the healing process.

Vitamin E Oil

The use of vitamin E oil is valuable in chicken pox. This oil should be rubbed on the skin. It will have a healing effect. The marks left by chicken pox will fade away by this application.


The use of honey as an external application has proved to be valuable in healing a child with the chicken pox virus. The skin should be smeared with honey. Cover the honey on the child with clean white cloths. It will help in the healing of the Chicken Pox Virus within three days.

Homemade carrot soup and coriander have been found to be beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox.

Recipe for Carrot Soup

1lb Carrots, chopped
1 Medium sized Potato, chopped
One yellow onion, chopped
Two Tablespoons of Coriander
1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
Salt & Pepper to taste
Six Cups of water

Cook the above ingredients in boiling water just until the vegetables are soft. Serve the soup to the child once a day while they have the Chicken Pox Virus.

Healing Salve

2 Tablespoons of St.-John’s-wort flower
1 Tablespoon of balsam poplar buds
1 Tablespoon vitamin E oil
2 Tablespoons of Brown vinegar

Bring the four ingredients to a light boil, allow to sit and cool. Rub the salve onto the child’s Chicken Pox lesions. This salve aids in promoting rapid cell growth so wounds heal quickly with reduced scarring.

Warning! Never give Aspirin to a Child with Chicken Pox

Children and teenagers should never take aspirin, or products containing aspirin or other salicylates when they are affected with chickenpox or any other illnesses. Aspirin use in children has been associated with Reye syndrome, a rare but serious condition that can cause death. The incidence of Reye syndrome has dropped dramatically according to the FDA, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still happen.”

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