Homemade Grease Cutter for Plastic Laminate Countertops

Whether or not you happened to spill cooking oil on your plastic laminate counters or they were spattered during fried food preparation, they can be thoroughly cleaned without using store-bought chemical solutions. You can use homemade grease cutter instead. It is much cheaper to make than it is to buy, and it works exceptionally well. Try one of the following two simple formulas, and save money while getting rid of oil, cooking grime and the dust and other grunge that sticks to it. The cleaners can be mixed in a clean spray bottle and appropriately labeled for storage and use.

Try Degreasing Dishwashing Liquid, Hot Water and a Sponge

The most popular blue dishwashing liquid that contains degreaser is good for more than just washing greasy grimy dishes. It can be used to make homemade grease cutter for plastic laminate kitchen counters. Simply fill a 64-ounce clean spray bottle with hot tap water, and add one or two teaspoons of grease cutting dishwashing liquid. Add more or less according to how strong it will have to be to cut through and breakdown tough grease and accompanying grime. Spray it on the empty plastic laminate counters, and allow it to soak into the mess for several minutes. Wipe it away with a clean damp sponge. Rinse it with clear water and a clean absorbent cloth. This homemade grease cutter works amazingly well on light to medium jobs, and with just two simple ingredients.

Incredible Homemade Five Ingredient Spray Cleaner

If it will take much more than degreasing dishwashing liquid and hot water to cut through hardened cooking oil and other grime, try another homemade option. In a clean spray bottle, combine 64 ounces of hot water with about five ounces of household ammonia and three ounces of white vinegar. Add about four teaspoons of degreasing dishwashing liquid to the ammonia and vinegar mixture. Spray it on exceptionally greasy plastic laminate countertops, and immediately wipe it away with a non-scratch scrub sponge. Follow up with a clean damp cloth to remove any remaining grime and grease cutter residue. The homemade solution should work to remove the grunge, and without using a putty knife or any other cleaners.

Source: Experimental Homemade Cleaning Solutions

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