Homemade Halloween Costumes

Are you searching for the perfect Halloween costume for your little ghosts and goblins? Do you want to make the costume at home to save money on those expensive outfits at the local department store?

Let your creative spirit out this Halloween season. Try some of these fun ideas on for size. The kids will love making these costumes as much as you will.

Have a bunch of fun dressing up as a bunch of grapes. Making a costume from balloons can be both easy and inexpensive. Purchase a package of green or purple balloons and a similar colored jogging suit. Safety pin the blown up balloons to the clothing using the end of the knot in the balloon. Be careful not to puncture the body of the balloon.

This adorable costume can also be fun after the Halloween festivities. The kids will have a blast playing with all the balloons, and the jogging suit can be useful to keep warm on those cool fall nights.

A tube of your favorite toothpaste will have everyone smiling this year! A small lamp shade with an elastic strap is the perfect lid. An oversized adult T-shirt decorated with a familiar toothpaste logo is simple and fun.

Your costume worries are all wrapped up with this idea. Use your old sheets that have been cut into strips. Loosely wrap them around your child to look like a mummy. Do be cautious about wrapping too tightly, or around the face. Use some charcoal to rub across the strips to give them an old, dirty look. Kids and mummies alike enjoy this favorite.

It is always a good idea to travel in groups. For more than one child, consider one of the following costumes.

A pair of dice is easy to make. You will need two boxes of similar size. Cut a hole from the top of each box in the center. The child’s head can be the single dot on the die. Each arm can represent a colored circle. Draw or paint the remaining dots to look like the other numbers represented on a die. Make the second box to match the first. A safe bet, this cute costume will be a sure winner!

Grab some friends for this unique costume. Each person in the group can dress up like a home appliance. A tall thin box could become a refrigerator. Just add some white paint and a few personal touches. Affix a piece of cardboard to the front of the container, at the edge to the right side of the box. This will represent a door that is swinging open. Paste appropriate food wrappers to the front of the box. Maybe use some of your child’s favorite snacks.

A large box could be painted white and black to create a range. Remember to place a piece of cardboard at the back edge behind the head opening to show the knobs and clock usually found on the stove. Your youngster can wear some oven mitts to add to the ensemble.

Using a short, squatty box, one child can dress up to be the microwave. Similar to the refrigerator mentioned above, use a piece of cardboard for an open door. Glue an empty bag of microwave popcorn to the front. Finish this outfit by drawing a panel of buttons down the left side too cook up the fun with this costume.

A television or washer and dryer would be perfect to add to the group.

Try one or more of these costumes or scare up some of your own ideas.

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