Homemade Halloween Costumes for Adults

Halloween is a festive time of year, filled with haunted hayrides, autumn crafts and the all important Trick or Treating. Picking out just the right costume and then proudly wearing it is the highlight of the holiday for most children. Recapture the Halloween spirit this year by dressing up and joining the fun. Whether you have a Halloween party to attend, are walking the kids around the neighborhood or plan on staying home to answer the door for the throngs of Trick or Treaters, Put together your own Halloween costume and enjoy the festivities. Here are some ideas for homemade Halloween costumes for adults.

The Road. This Halloween costume is perhaps the simplest to create. All it requires is a long sleeve black shirt, black pants and white tape. A black sweat suit will work too. Using thin white tape, start underneath the neck and go all the way down the legs. Make two solid lines on the sides, with broken lines in the middle. Clever and simple, this homemade Halloween costume will garner plenty of comments.

Electrified Jogger. A tee shirt, running shorts or sweats and sneakers are the basics of this Halloween costume. Print a number on the front and back pieces of paper. Pin the numbers to the front and back of your top. Now is when it gets fun. Tease your hair so that it is standing on end. Use plenty of hair spray so that it stays up all night. Spray your hair with gray colored temporary hair spray to give it a singed look. You have now transformed yourself into a jogger that had the unfortunate luck of being struck my lightening.

Dice. This is also a great couple’s Halloween costume idea. Spray paint a large cardboard box white. Using black construction paper or paint, construct large black dots in whatever number you choose. Cut holes in the top and the sides of the box for your head and arms to go through. I understand that it gets hot inside the box, so choose the clothing you wear underneath carefully. You don’t want to spend the entire night uncomfortable from being too warm.

Laundry Basket. Cut the bottom of a large laundry basket out so that you can step in to it or attach it around yourself. Fill the basket with assorted laundry and let socks and other clothing items hang over the sides. Attaching the pieces coming out over the laundry basket with strong tape will ensure that everything stays in place.

Lady Or Man In Shower. This homemade Halloween costume takes a little bit more work than the others, but is so fun, it is worth it. Using a strong, round piece of plastic or tubing, construct a large circle that will be strong enough to hang a shower curtain off of and also stay intact around your shoulders. Cut a shower curtain or shower curtain liner to hang down to your calf, but not too long so that it is a potential hazard. Attach the shower curtain or liner to the circle using lightweight hooks or plastic zip ties. Attach two dowels to the circle so that it can be held on the inside of the curtain. Put on a shower cap and you are all set to go!

Happy Halloween!

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