Homemade Ornaments

This year try to make your own ornaments for your tree. It is not hard to do and not expensive at all. I love making my own because it gives more meaning to Christmas knowing I did something for the holidays. I love having my children get involved too. It gives me bonding time with them and they have fun doing it with me. There are so many ways to decorate ornaments like with paint, gel, spray paint, stencils, candy, and crayons.
I have made some with string balls and cotton as well. It is up to you and what you want to use on it. I love to decorate them. You can get some glass balls or plastic and use them like that. You can add to them whatever you wish. You can glue on pieces of crafts on them. This would look nice for your tree. You can different ornaments like cookies, balls, wooden crafts, yard dolls, candy canes, pictures and more. You can get some craft sticks like ice cream sticks and add pictures to them. You can make ornaments out of your socks, beads, popcorn. Have you ever popped popcorn and glued them to a string or inserted them into a string? It is fun to make with the kids.
Some people like to sew or crochet small ornaments for their tree also. More great ways to make your own ornaments are from pine cones, cinnamon sticks, toilet rolls, paper mache, or clay. Try having the kids make their Christmas cards on a small piece of construction paper and hang it on tree. If you want to be creative try to make a picture or grab a photo of someone you love and cut it out into a puzzle and glue it on a card and hang it on tree. Add some glitter or ribbon to your project. Use whatever is in your home and make little ornaments small or big. It is all about having fun and using your imagination. Before you know it you will have your whole tree decorated with homemade ornaments.
It only takes what available resources that you already have and a little bit of time. You can save them for years for your tree. Wherever they end up, they will be treasured by friends and family. They make great gifts also.