Homemade Remedies for Fungal Nails

Medically, it’s called, “Onychomycosis”. Commonly, it’s known as “Fungal Nails.” Because the feet typically sweat more, and are kept in a moist environment when foot apparel is worn, this problem affects the toenails more often than the fingernails. If you ever suffer from Fungal Nails, you should begin treatment right away. You can always visit your local drug store to buy a product, although it may have harmful side effects. Or, you can simply try using these homemade remedies for Fungal Nails.

This medical condition begins as white or yellow blotches that appear on a finger or toe nail. If the problem isn’t treated right away, the discoloration will continue until it reaches the base of the nail. Once it reaches that location, the fungus will affect the root of the nail. The result will be that the nail will begin to grow thick. It will be distorted and completely discolored. You may even notice a foul odor coming from the nail. The affected nail will also become weak and brittle.

Typically, the “Candida” fungus is the cause of Fungal Nails. Once it affects one finger or toe nail, the condition can spread to the remaining nails.

Before you use any of these homemade remedies to treat Fungal Nails, you should carefully trim the affected nail back as far as you can.

One of the most effective homemade remedies for Fungal Nails is to soak the affected finger or toe nail in Listerine� several times a day. Listerine Antiseptic contains nearly 27% alcohol. The alcohol will help kill the fungus.

People who are susceptible to fungal infections should add yogurt and Vitamin B supplements to their daily diets too. The yogurt will add “good bacteria” to your system. The Vitamin B will help support your immune system so it can fight off infections easier.

You can also use Tea Tree Oil which can be found at your local healthfood store. to treat Fungal Nails. It’s a natural antiseptic. Apply Tea Tree Oil liberally two to three times a day with a cotton ball.

Not only does Vicks VapoRubâÂ?¢ get rid of ants, but it’s also effective for treating Fungal Nails as well. To use it, rub a liberal amount of Vicks on the problem finger or toe nail. Do this two to three times a day to get rid of the problem.

Thyme is a lemony-tasting herb that adds a zest to meat, poultry, and fish. It’s also a natural antiseptic that possesses anti-inflammatory properties. To use Thyme as a natural remedy for Fungal Nails, pour one cup of boiling water over one cup of the plant’s leaves. Allow the leaves to soak for several hours. Then, remove the leaves. Apply some of the liquid to the affected nail. Do this several times a day by using a cotton ball. Store the remaining liquid in the refrigerator in a sealed container.

And finally, the acidic nature of Apple Cider Vinegar makes it an effective homemade remedy for many health problems. It’s also effective in treating Fungal Nails. Apply a liberal amount of Apple Cider Vinegar to the affected finger or toe nail. Do this three or four times a day in order to achieve the best results.

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