Homeschool Educational Mobiles: A Fun Way to Learn the Facts

Homeschool educational mobiles are a great way to learn facts about different things. This is a fun way of learning. If you are homeschooling with Units then this would be a great addition to your Units. But if you’re not using Units, this is still a great way to teach facts about different things.

There are many ways to create mobiles. You can use sticks, paper towel holders, clothes hangers, etc. Here is an example of a mobile:

Take two sticks and crisscross them. Take a piece of yarn or string and tie the sticks together. Then cut out your shapes and write the facts on them. Punch a hole in the top of the shape and run a string through it and tie it to the stick. I will go in to more detail about the cut outs below. But that is your basic mobile. You can use paper towel holders, clothes hangers, and more.

Homeschool Educational Mobile Ideas

Whale Mobile

Whales are fascinating mammals to learn about. Create a mobile of whales to learn about the different types of whales, the sizes of the whales, and more. You can search Google for Whale Print Outs to find the different type of whales to print. You can also visit click on ocean life and they have some whale print outs.

Some of the common whales are:

  • Humpback Whale
  • Killer Whale
  • Grey Whale
  • Orca Whale
  • Blue Whale
  • Sperm Whale

Solar System Mobile

Creating a Solar System Mobile is a great way to teach the different planets. Again, you can go to and print out their Solar System Fact Files and their Solar System cut outs. You can use those to teach your children about the Solar System and use the cut outs to put on the mobile.

United States Mobile

You can print out State maps of the United States and cut them out to hang on the mobile. On the back of the maps you can write facts about the state. For example, on each one you can write the capitol of that state, you can write the size of the state, and you can write the state bird, flower, motto, and other stuff. The United States Mobile would be a great piece to add to your Homeschool collection.

Mammal Mobile – Create a mobile with the different mammals. Write some facts on each mammal.

Here is a list of more mobiles. Use your imagination and you can create a great way of learning through these mobiles while homeschooling.

Weather Mobile – The different types of weather. (Tornados, Hurricanes, Winter Storm, etc)

Parts of the Body – Cut out the different parts of the body and describe what they are on the back and what you use them for. (Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, brain, etc.)

Seven Continents – Cut out the seven Continents and name them.

United States Flag – Cut out little flags and list facts about the United States Flag. (What the stripes stand for, what the stars stand for, etc)

President Mobile – Cut out pictures of each president and write facts on the back of each president.

Parts of a Sentence – Noun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, etc. Cut out squares and write Noun on one side and what a noun is on the other side. Then do the rest like that.

Mobiles are a great way to add a little fun to your homeschooling. The possibilities are unlimited with mobiles. You can create a mobile out of almost anything.

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