Homeschool Fraction Guide

The homeschool fraction guide is a handy piece of paper to have around. When I was studying for my GED, my GED teacher gave me a bunch a printed out sheets stapled together. On the sheets were different math examples and explanations that I could keep looking back at. I have wore those sheets out. I am now compiling new sheets for my kids to have through out homeschool. In this Guide I will cover the Fractions section. I hope these help you and your children out as much as they have helped me. We will start off with the Kinds of Fractions.

Kinds of Fractions

Proper Fraction – The Numerator is smaller than the Denominator.
. 1/2 3/4 20/35

Improper Fraction – The Numerator is larger or equal to the Denominator.
. 3/3 8/3 25/14

Unit Fraction – The Numerator is one.
1/2 1/5 1/8

Fractions Equal to Zero – The Numerator is zero.
0/10 0/12 0/2

Fractions Equal to Whole Numbers
– The Numerator is exactly Divisible by the Denominator.
Ex. 4/2 = 2
100/25 = 4
36/4 = 9

Ordering Fractions – You make common Denominators and Equal Fractions. Then you order them with Common Denominators and then write the Fractions in their original form.
1/3, 2/4, 5/6, 2/9

Make Common Denominators and Equal Fractions
1/3 = 12/36
2/4 = 18/36
5/6 = 30/36
2/9 = 8/36

Order the Fractions with Common Denominators
8/36, 12/36, 18/36, 30/36

Write the Original Fraction
2/9, 1/3, 2/4, 5/6

Now we will move on to Simplest Form Fractions, Mixed Number Fractions, Whole Number Fractions, and Comparing Fractions.

Simplest Form – Reduce the fraction to the Simplest Form.
Ex. 8/12 = 2/3
15/4 = 3 3/4

Changing Fractions to Mixed Numbers or Whole Numbers – Divide the Denominator in to the Numerator.
Ex. 16/5 = 3 1/5

Changing Mixed Numbers to Fractions or Whole Numbers to Fractions – Multiply the Denominator times the Whole Number. Then Add the Numerator and put your answer over the Original Denominator.
Ex. 6 1/5 = 31/5

Comparing Fractions – You will need to cross-multiply the fractions. Compare the products.
Ex. 2/3 3/5 2/3 is Greater Than 3/5

Now we will cover Adding Fractions, Subtracting Fractions, Multiplying Fractions, and Dividing Fractions.

Adding Fractions with Same Denominators – Add the Numerators and leave the Denominators the same.
Ex. 3/8 + 2/8 = 5/8
1/5 + 2/5 = 3/5

Adding Fractions with Different Denominators – If one Denominator will divide evenly into the other Denominator, change the Denominator to the highest Denominator. Then add. If it won’t divide evenly then multiply the two Denominators and that will give you your new Denominator. Then Add..
Ex. 1/4 + 1/8 = 2/8 + 1/8 = 3/8
2/3 + 1/2 = 2/5 + 1/5 = 3/5

Subtracting Fractions – Subtract Fractions the same way that you add them. Just subtract instead.

Multiplying Fractions – Multiply Numerator times Numerator and Denominator times Denominator.
Ex. 3/4 x 2/5 = 6/20

Dividing Fractions – Flip the second Fraction upside down and Multiply.
Ex. 1/3
– – – 1/3 x 5/2 = 5/6

That is the Homeschool Fraction Guide. This guide will come in handy, trust me. Sometimes you may forget a simple thing about fractions. Take a quick look at this guide and it will come right back to you.

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