Homework Websites for Parents

Mom, I need help with my homework. A shudder of fear passes through you. How on earth are you going to teach your child math when it was not your strongest subject. Take heart, all is not lost. There are numerous websites that show you how to do the problems AND make homework fun.


1. Mathematics can be daunting if it is not taught in a fun and exciting way. My favorite mathematic sites are Kid’s Bank which teaches your children about money and banking (well, money is mathematical in nature so to speak).
2. Edu4Kids has flash cards, early math, math squares and math tables your children to learn from. Just follow the links in the left-hand side column.
3. The Math Forum Children’s Center has mathematical help for all grade levels, challenge problems and math tips and tricks.
4. For games that make math fun you can try Cool Math 4 Kids where it is hip to learn math. The games are fun for adults too (yes, I confess, I ended up selling lemonade on a virtual lemonade stand for hours). Funbrain Math games are lots of fun too.

Writing and Reading

1. Bookadventure is a wonderful place for children to develop a love of reading. What this site does is it tests a child’s understanding of what they read, and gives them points for correct answers. They can then redeem them for prizes that a parent designates, or prizes already on the site.
2. The Purdue Writing Lab will teach you how to write well and has workshops and seminars online. Word Central will help you with the meanings of words, vocabulary, and spelling. It makes it fun and exciting with silly songs composed of words that your child puts into a list.
3. The Writing Center shows the different styles of writing (APA, MLA) and helps guide you through the writing process.

Refrence Material

1. There is always a need for a dictionary to help with the spelling or meaning of a word. A general guide would be the RefDesk which links you to dictionaries, a thesaurus, books of all genres and more.
2. Encyclopedia.com has information about almost anything that you can think of. Easy searches and listings in alphabetical order make it easy to navigate this research site. Encyclopedia Britannica is another great source.
3. Thesaurus.com will help you find words with similar meanings.


1. What are molecules? Molecularium allows you to answer that question with an interactive game for children.
2. How does the body work? Science World will show you with their bodyworks game.
3. Where are the plants gonna come from? Now you can help your child understand the growth process of a plant with this game.


Children learning a new language? Here are some pages that might help. The BBC has links to pages that teach basic everyday words or detailed complete sentences in other languages. You can learn, Spanish, Italian, French and even Gaelic here.

There are numerous sites that can help with homework. You can go to Google and type in the search words ‘homework sites’ and that will produce a large number of great homework sites for you and your child to explore.

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