Hoover H3060 Vacuum Cleaner and Mop: A Review

When it comes to vacuum cleaners, the name Hoover is synonymous with quality and value. I have been lucky enough to get my hands on the Hoover H3060 vacuum cleaner. It is advertised to wash and dry hard surfaces as well as perform the typical carpet vacuuming duties. In this review I’m going to tell you how well it performed for me and then you can decide if the Hoover H3060 vacuum cleaner is worth your hard earned money.

Hard Surface Cleaning: 5/5

Carpet Cleaning: 3/5

Value: 4/5

Overall: 4/5

Product Overview:

The Hoover H3060 vacuum utilizes the proprietary “spinbrush” technology. This means that on the underside of the vacuum head instead of one large rotating brush you have a number of smaller spinning brushes, totaling 7 in all. This vacuum has a two tank system set up, one for cleaning solution and the other for the dirty water. This ensures that you are always cleaning your hard surface floor with clean water, and never recycling the dirty water. Other features include grout cleaning tools as well as a grout cleaning brush.

The overall performance of this vacuum is varied. As a hard surface cleaner it has worked great in my house. When it comes to the bathrooms and kitchen tiles it has been fantastic. This vacuum has also been gentle enough for the hard wood floor in my living room and has done a fantastic job cleaning them. It will even remove food that has dried and stuck onto the floor. The floor dries very quickly as well which prevents slipping and most importantly prevents footprints from being left on your freshly “mopped” floor. The only downside is the vacuum function on carpet. It doesn’t have much suction and fails to do a thorough job without multiple passes. If you have crumbs or have had a lot of traffic you can almost forget about it when it comes to this model.


The ideal consumer for this Hoover is one with the majority of the surfaces in their home being hard. It will work on carpet but I wouldn’t want to clean an entire carpeted home with the H3060. It does a fantastic job if you need it to primarily mop. I have never had such an easy time getting my kitchen clean, and believe me I’ve tried a lot of products including the Swiffer. This vacuum is priced in the low to mid range category at $175. I would look out for deals at the end of the year as retailers scramble to woo consumers to their store. If you can find this model for under $150 it just may be worth it, even if you do have a good deal of carpet to clean in your house.

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