Horoscopes: Are They for You?

Some say that horoscopes are just harmless fun, but it is important to consider the source of these signs. The ancient Romans and Greeks each worshiped their own pantheon of gods and goddesses. They relyed on the stars, and various other signs to determine whether the gods were pleased with them or not. Sacrifices of animals, fruits, oats, or other material goods were offered up to the gods. Some even gave their slaves over to the temple as the ultimate act of devotion!
But the history of looking to stars to predict the future goes back even further, to the Babaylonian, Egyptian, and Mayan cultures.
Before a sacrifice, the Mayan high priests would consult their calenders and the position of the stars. The Mayan’s had a very detaled calender, and even kept track of the various planets, eclipses, and other stellar fascinations, believing these were signs from the gods. Mayan sacrificing ceremonies have been likened to a masacre of slaves. The priests would literally slash their victims to pieces, tear out their hearts, or drink their blood.
In the culture of the Babaylonians, the priests of their gods would consult the stars, the livers of animals, or other omens, to know all kinds of future events. They too would sacrifice wealth to their gods, and often such ceremonies were barbaric indeed.
In Egyptian and other ancient tribes, slaves, criminals, or children would be sacrificed alive to the god. In some Cannanite [the Cannanites no longer exsist] the victim of the sacrifice would be a new born baby, less than a week old. The baby would be thrown into a pit of burning fire, while drums played and priests chanted. This was thought to bring rain, or to insure that they would win while in battle.
Obviously, we don’t practice such customs today. But we cannot completely ignore the origins of the Horoscope, when we know these facts.
Too, it must be considered, are Horoscopes really of any help to people? Have the positions of the stars predestined our lives in that manner?
At best, it is a personal choice, at worst, it is participating in ancient pagan rites that have dark and bitter consequences. Being informed of the origins of the Zodiac, and the customs of trying to see the future in general, can help you avoid the snares of the occult, and other organizations that have questionable practices.