Host a Passion Party

Don’t worry, relax! You can throw an adult-themed, girl’s only party that specializes in spicing up your love life! It can be done; you just have to know how to do it, without leaving anyone feeling offended.
Let’s talk invitations. The main focus of these types of parties are purchasing items that will spice up you and your honey’s life in the bedroom (or the kitchen, the dining room floor, wherever it may be). Expect to see many different types of sexually stimulating products, and many edible items to boot! Therefore, it is suggested that you invite only people, or close friends who you are extremely comfortable with. You are going to be touching, seeing, smelling, and tasting all sorts of adult-themed items during the course of the night.
If you know for certain that a friend of yours would never use items like these, or would be offended by something like this, then it is simple: don’t invite her! If you don’t know a person at work very well, but she seems to have a great sense of humor and you think she may have a good time, invite her! A suggestion in an incident like this would be to casually approach her about the party ahead of time and see if it is something she may like to attend. If so, send her an invitation. You may make a new best friend out of it! Parties like these are truly good places for women to let loose, have fun and get to know people better.
Once the guest list is complete and the invitations are sent, start thinking about what to serve for snacks and drinks. Drinks, preferably the alcoholic kind, are great for passion type parties. A little alcohol flowing can loosen some inhibitions and women may see something in the catalog that they may never have bought had alcohol not played a part in it. Their husbands or boyfriends may even thank you later! Because you don’t want your women friends driving home with an alcoholic buzz, serve some appetizers to soak up the liquid. You can even make appetizers that fit the theme of your party. How about a penis shaped cake with whipped cream in the middle? What about something penis shaped that is bite size? You get where I am going with this. Make your food and your drinks fun!
Once you have those items taken care of, you can focus on the people who are attending. Ask your hostess for a catalog before the show. Thumb through it and pick out items you think you want. Tell your guests about some of the items you saw in the catalog. This will get the girls excited for the party. Leave the guests wondering what else may be in that catalog. This will get the ladies ready for a fun night out- at your house!
When the night of the party actually arrives, have some candles burning in your home, set up your adult-oriented theme food, have the drinks out and waiting. Be prepared for a little sense of nervousness from your guests, especially if it is her first time at an adult themed party. It is your job as the hostess to set them at ease. Remind them of how much fun anything they purchase will be. Offer drinks and show them that penis cake! If anything, that will loosen up everyone and get a good laugh!
During the show, be prepared to pass around edible body paints, edible clothing, and numerous sexual toys. As the hostess, it is your job to set the stage on how this will go. If you are comfortable touching the items and are perhaps making quite a few comments about how your man will love this or that, then everyone else will feel more comfortable. Be prepared for the nervous laughter to turn into full body laughs with some of the items you will see and discuss. These types of parties are notorious for inciting much laughter and fun!
Hosting a party that focuses on passion and adult oriented themes can be a bit nerve-wracking. It shouldn’t be. Let go, have fun and remember how much fun these toys can be for you and your significant other. Your husband, boyfriend, or whomever, will definitely enjoy the items that can be purchased at these types of parties. Who am I kidding? You will also enjoy the items that will be purchased. The women invited to the show will have fun, enjoy a night out and perhaps give the adoring men in their lives something to smile about!