Hosting Yard Sales for Other People

It doesn’t cost much money at all to host a yard sale. Make sure to get some price tags so you can put a price on every item. It will help you be more organized. High price tag items will get you more commission. You need to know how much money the people that you are going to host the yard sale for wants to make over the weekend.
You need to be organized and have everything arranged on a table or shelfs so that it is easy to find. Make sure that the yard sale is clean and looks organized along like that you care about how the items are displayed. Display is important in sales. Display at yard sales do make a difference since it shows you care when you show that you care about the items.
In order to make money enough doing this you need to have a hourly wage and plus get a commission for every item that you sell for them. The hourly wage needs to be not very high since you are going to get commission also. Make sure the commission is about ten to thirty percent of everything you sell at the end of the weekend.
You need to be good at sales. You also need to dress nice even though it is just a yard sale. Make sure to smile and be friendly to the people that stop by. Make sure to have some special deals on certain items. You can offer them a free item when they buy a item. Small things such as free candy bar or soda does work to get people to buy something.
Try to have a goal and accomplish it. If your goal is to tell three hundred dollars worth of stuff over the weekend then you are more likely to accomplish it since you have something to work towards. Always try to go beyond the goal in sales. If people think that you do a wonderful job at hosting yard sales then they will tell people how much money you made them over one weekend.
The key is to be good at getting customers to pay top dollar for the items at yard sales. Tell them why an item is unique. Let them think that they are getting a good deal for their money. Make sure that there is enough advertisements for the yard sale. It is best to try to get as many people as possible to stop by to see the yard sale.
You can give them a discount on a item if they ask. People will usually most of the time try to talk you into a lower price. Show them that you care about making the sale so give them a little bit of a discount. Good luck and most of all have fun at yard sales!