Hot Gadgets for the Man in Your Life – Get IPods and Digital Cameras for Great Year-Round Gifts

There always seems to be a reason, no matter the time of year, to send you into a tizzy, screeching up and down the aisles of your local stores looking for that perfect gift for your boyfriend, husband, or another man in your life. Men can seem impossible for us to shop for – what do you get them that won’t seem mushy, or that they’ll actually use?

One of the best bets is gadgets. Boys love toys and men are no different. Whether for Valentine’s, a birthday or anniversary, these cool little techie toys will keep the man in your life happy – and let you breathe a bit easier because they’re easy to find.

The Ever-Popular Apple iPod

This little portable media machine is going to be around for many years to come, with the new iPod products appearing on our shelves on a regular basis. If your guy doesn’t have an iPod yet, I guarantee that he’s wanted one – and if he does, there’s tons of extras that you can get him to spruce it up, make it play cooler, or take it around even better.

And now, you’ve got three options to choose from: The iPod, the iPod Shuffle, and the ultra-tiny iPod Nano.

So what are you looking for, and where do you get it? Check it out, you’re covered with these sites:

  • The iPod – This sleek, white little piece of equipment has become an American icon. Everyone has at least heard of Apple’s iPod, even if they don’t yet own one. What does the iPod do? The whole thing is about Ã?½ inch thin, and comes in both 30 GB and 60 GB storage sizes. What this means is 15,000 songs and 150 hours of video for your man’s enjoyment. Apple makes it easy for him to get going, with everything included right in the box: the iPod, classic earbud headphones, USB 2.0 cable for downloading the music and videos, a dock adapter, carrying case, quick start guide, and even a CD with iTunes for both Mac and Windows. How cool is that? Grab one for your guy (and maybe yourself, while you’re at it!) from Apple’s website at
  • The iPod Shuffle – This thing is just a cute piece of equipment, measuring no more in size than a standard pack of gum and weighing less than a car key. Yeah, really cool. On the 512 MB or 1 GB storage space you can add up to 240 songs and you can choose from tons of accessories for the Shuffle – everything from armbands to FM transmitters so you can play your songs from the iPod Shuffle right on your stereo. Once again, your guy will appreciate the bundle of iPod, earbud headphones, a carrying lanyard, USB cap, getting started guide, and CD with iTunes for Mac and windows all included right in the box. You can look around, but you’re not likely to get better prices on the Shuffle than right off Apple’s website at (they even have payment plans starting at $3 per month for the iPod Shuffle!)
  • The iPod Nano – Definitely the coolest toy for people on the go, the Nano is smaller than the traditional iPod but does have a color screen display so you can watch your music play (the Shuffle doesn’t have a display screen). The Nano comes in either a 2 GB or a 4 GB storage size, which lets you cram in 1,000 songs on a player that will never skip even if you attach it to your arm and go for a jog. All the standard equipment including headphones, USB 2.0 cable, dock adapter, QuickStart guide, and CD with iTunes are packaged right in the box. Hit Apple’s website at to grab one, view photos of the Nano, or even try the Nano out virtual-reality style.
  • iPod Accessories – Want some amazing deals on everything from headsets to skin for iPods? Check out – the savings are sure to put a smile on your face.

Digital Cameras

Hot on the heels of the iPod comes our next digital must-have: a digital camera. After all, you’ve gotta get those awesome pics onto your iPod somehow! Looking for the right digital camera for the man in your life has never been easier – both Canon and Sony make the most durable, highly popular digital cameras selling today, and these sites offer them up at truly special prices.

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