House Cleaning Tips for the Holiday Season

Kitchen; Baking soda can go a long way in freshening up your kitchen. It is excellent for counters, sinks, stove tops, ovens, cutting boards, microwaves, tables and refrigerators. You can sprinkle baking soda on the area and use a damp sponge to clean the area. Baking soda neutralizes many unwanted odors.
More cooking this time of the year means more cleaning. Soak your baking pans and skillets for an hour in a combination of detergent and baking soda. Then clean and rinse them well.
You can clean and eliminate any smell from your sink drain. Most sinks collect material in the necks of the drain pipes. Put baking soda into the drain with running warm tap water. This will help to neutralize any odors that come from there.
Tray containers in your refrigerator are good at holding odors. You need to remove them and clean them well. Also, remove any old leftovers or food items. Bag them first and then place them in your garbage.
Consider cleaning behind and under heavy appliances. This will require moving these items. However, many times odors will sit for days under these appliances.
Living Room; The main area for entertaining is usually the living room. You want this area to appeal to a person’s senses when they arrive. You can sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and upholstery. Let it set for 15 minutes and then vacuum it up.
If you have a pet’s bed, do the same. Consider relocating it for the short time you have guests.
Move furniture so that it is easy for guests to visit. You might want to consider making your Christmas tree the center of attraction in this room. Balance is the key, when you have a room full of guests.
Don’t forget to add to your guest’s senses with that special holiday smell. A small scented candle will do the trick. However, do not mix smells or have an over-bearing scent. Try to place the scent in the center of the room.
Powder Room; A clean bathroom is very important. Fresh linen, clean waste baskets and plenty of toilet paper and tissue is necessary. You also want a nice fragrance in the room, too. Again, you can use baking soda to help clean and freshen up many spots in this room.
Guest Bedroom; Overnight guests need a clean room as well. Many times this room just sits unused. It is important to go through it and dust, vacuum and clean glass items. Check the bulbs in your lamps. Finally, check the bed linen. It might need to be cleaned or replaced.
Preparing for guests before they arrive will leave a lasting impression on your guests. It will also make for a pleasant visit for you and your guests.
sources; myself