House of Bush, House of Saud Book Review

It shouldn’t take a genius to figure out that there’s something fishy going on between Pres. Bush and Saudi Arabia. One of my favorite books upon my shelf delves into that particular question. I came across this book called House of Bush, House of Saud at a bargain price at a library sale. The cover caught my attention: Pres. Bush holding hands with one of the members of the Saudi royal family. Holding hands! The President who wants to ban gay marriages is holding hands with not only another man, but a man who is the leader of the country from which most of the 9/11 hijackers originated.


A lot of charges have been leveled against the book; mostly from Republicans, of course. Regardless of what you may think of the book personally and the lurid story it tells of the connections between the House of Bush and the leaders of Saudi Arabia, you must ask yourself some very important questions: Why are our troops in Iraq when those hijackers were from Saudi Arabia? Why did we not invade Saudi Arabia since those hijackers were from that country? Why did we invade Iraq when that country had absolutely no ties to 9/11?

House of Bush House of Saud asks those questions and came up with interesting answers. I cannot even begin to delve into the complexities of the book in this limited space, so I urge you to seek this book out. Let’s put aside for the moment the most controversial aspect of the book, that Saudis were allowed to leave the US following the 9/11 attacks when supposedly every plane in America was grounded. I don’t even care if that’s true or not. What is far more disturbing is the relationship between the Bush family and the ruling family and oil sheiks of Saudi Arabia that can be traced back decades.

Anyone still laboring under the impression that American foreign policy and Middle Eastern oil are not inextricably linked will be in a rude awakening. George W. Bush’s political outlook regarding that hotspot of the world was created when he was in Texas failing at being an oilman. Now, of course, for a Bush to fail at being an oilman is really quite amazing considering they had access to influence both in the worlds of politics and oil that really few other families in America have ever had.

It was George W. Bush’s failure in this world that set in motion some very unnerving events that, while not leading directly to 9/11, certainly have a connection that is less than comfortable. Bush’s inability to lead Harken Oil – imagine if Harken back then was the US today and you’ll get an idea of just how good a businessman Bush was – led to it being financially bailed out by some Saudi interests whose interests are not particularly America’s interests.

The relationship between the Saudi family and the Bush family is incestuous to say the least. Even a brief summary can’t adequately give enough information to show just potentially dangerous the relationship might really be. Only one thing is for certain: Saudi Arabia is the one country in all the world that truly bears responsibility for 9/11 and George W. Bush hasn’t so much as raised his squeaky voice to them. Do yourself a favor and make this one of your favorite books on your shelf.

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