Household Tips: Dryer Sheets, Cola and Alka-Seltzer Have More Uses Than You Think

We all look for ways to make our life easier and to save money. There so many simple things we can do to accomplish both of these. There are many household tips that people use everyday to make life a little easy. Most of the household tips we use were discovered by accident. You will be surprised at the 3 products below that you can use all around the house. In this article I will share several household tips that you may or may not have heard before. You may be be surprised at the things you can do with items in your home, that you never thought of using them for before.

Dryer sheets are not only for freshening your clothes or preventing static electricity. You may be surprised at the household tips that you can use dryer sheets for.

1) Freshen the air in your home – Place an individual dryer sheet in a drawer or hang one in the closet.

2) Repel mosquitoes – Tie a dryer sheet through a belt loop when outdoors during mosquito season. This is much cheaper than buying mosquito repellent and better for your health and the environment.

3) Eliminate static electricity from your television screen – Since dryer sheets are designed to help eliminate static cling, wipe your television screen with a used or new sheet to keep dust from resettling. This works perfect, I use dryer sheets all the time and do not have to dust the tv as often. Best idea, when your laundry is done grab the dryer sheet out of the dryer and go dust your tv screen. This saves you money as you are using a used dryer sheet.

4) Clean baked-on food from a cooking pan – This one really surprised me when I read about it. I did not think it would work. However it works great. Put a sheet in the pan, fill the pan with water, let it sit overnight, and just sponge clean.

5) Freshen shoes or sneakers – Place a dryer sheet in your shoes or sneakers overnight so they’ll smell great in the morning. This tip has been a life saver with my son and husbands shoes.

I drink a lot of Pepsi and I was surprised at the household tips I found that Pepsi or Coca-Cola could be used for. This kind of makes me rethink drinking Cola products. I mean if you can do these things with it, what is it doing to my body.

1) Clean a toilet – Pour a can of Pepsi or Coca-Cola into the toilet. Let the “real thing” sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in them removes stains from vitreous china.

2) Loosen a rusted bolt – Use a cloth soaked in Pepsi or Coca-Cola, rub it on the rusted bolt for several minutes.

3) Clean corrosion from car battery terminals – Pour a can of Pepsi or Coca-Cola over the terminals watch while it bubbles away the corrosion.

4) Remove grease from clothes – Empty a can of Pepsi or Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Cola will help loosen the grease stains.

5) Baking Ham or Turkey – When baking a Ham or Turkey had a can of Coke or Pepsi into the baking pan; wrap the ham in aluminum foil, add butter also to the Turkey and bake. This is helps the meat stay tender and juicy. With the Ham add the Coke or Pepsi thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke the broth makes a delicious brown gravy.

Alka – Seltzer is good for more than just a cold, headache or stomach ache. The medicine can be used for other things around the house. Check out these household tips.

1) Clean a toilet – Once again another product we consume into our bodies can be used to clean the toilet. Drop two Alka-Seltzer tablets in your toilet, wait twenty minutes, brush and flush. The citric acid and effervescent action cleans the vitreous china.

2) Polish jewelry – Drop two Alka-Seltzer tablets into a glass of water and immerse your jewelry for two minutes. It will come out looking like new.

3) Unclog a drain – Clear your sink drain by dropping three Alka-Seltzer tablets down the drain followed by a cup of White Vinegar. Wait a few minutes, then run the hot water. In a few minutes your drain should be nice and clear.

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