Household Uses for Fabric Softener

Air Freshener
Fabric softener makes a great air freshener. Fabreeze is an expensive product so just make your own version. Take your favorite fabric softener and fill a spray bottle just slightly over half full with fabric softener, fill the rest of the way with water. Then spray the mixture on curtains, furniture, or carpet or anywhere you would spray air freshener. It is also great in the car.
Dusty TV Screen
Static clean attracts dust. To stop static cling on your TV screen or any plastic surface, dampen a dust cloth with fabric softener, do not dilute. Dust as usual. It will eliminate the dust and also freshen your home.
Clean many surfaces
Mix cup fabric softener to 4 cups water and pour into pray or squirt bottle. You then just apply a little to a clean cloth and wipe surfaces such as glass tables, shower doors and other hard surfaces. Then polish with a dry cloth.
Condition and untangle your hair
This one I found out by accident. When my daughter was little she poured all the hair conditioner in the bath tub. She must have been worried about getting in trouble for wasting it. She poured water in the bottle then added fabric softener. She told me later because it was the same color as what was the in the bottle. I later took a bath and conditioned my hair noticing I smelled liked Downy. I was worried at first but it made my hair very soft and it wasn’t tangled. We now use this when we run out of traditional conditioner. My daughter however prefers it because she likes the smell of Downy.
Remove wallpaper
To easily remove wallpaper mix 1 capful of fabric softener into 1 quart of water. Using a sponge wipe the solution onto the wallpaper. Let it soak for 20-30 minutes then easily scrape the paper from the wall.
Easily clean away burned on foods
We all hate to scrub burned on food from pans. Next time don’t scrub. Fill the pan with water and couple drops of fabric softener, let it soak for an hour or so until the food wipes easily away.
Keep paintbrushes soft
After using a paintbrush they often become stiff no matter how much we clean them. To prevent this, after thoroughly cleaning the brushes rinse them in a coffee can full of water with a couple drops of liquid fabric softener. Wipe the bristles dry and store as usual. They will be soft for your next use.