Household Uses for Petroleum Jelly

*Petroleum jelly can remove chewing gum from a person’s hair. Rub the petroleum jelly on the gum in the hair until the gum comes completely out.
*If you have a shower curtain that does not slide very easily, rub a thin layer of petroleum jelly over the rod and the curtain will slide easily.
*Petroleum jelly can be used to shine your shoes. Rub some petroleum jelly on your leather shoes and buff it out with a cloth.
*Petroleum jelly can be used on old leather objects to revive them. It will put moisture back into the leather. Try it with baseball gloves or old leather gloves or purses
*Treat a squeaky door with a little petroleum jelly on the hinges. Put a coating of the petroleum jelly on the hinge tip and your door will stop squeaking.
*A thin coat of petroleum jelly on a light bulb top will help prevent it from sticking in the socket when it needs to be replaced.
*If you have a sticky drawer that is hard to get open, apply some petroleum jelly to the bottom of the drawer to help it slide easier.
*If you happen to get a ring stuck on your finger, rub some petroleum jelly all over your finger and slide the ring off.
*Prevent nuts and bolts from rusting by applying a thin coat of petroleum jelly over them.
*If you are going to be painting or doing something else that gets your hands stained, apply some petroleum jelly to your hands first. It will protect your skin and you will be able to just wipe away the stains or grease from your hands.
*Keep shampoo out of your children’s eyes by applying petroleum jelly above their eyebrows. The petroleum jelly will make the water slide off and not into the eyes of your child.
*Petroleum jelly can be used on cuts and scrapes to help stop the bleeding.
*If you have a baby, petroleum jelly can be used for diaper rashes instead of expensive diaper creams.