Housewarmng Gift Ideas

Fire Extinguisher. This is a necessary safety item that people often don’t realize they don’t have until they need it. Save your friend some trouble, and possibly a life and pick up one for under $20.
Carbon Monoxide Detector. Another necessary safety item that homeowners often don’t think about. These are an indispensable and lifesaving decvice. CO Detectors run about $50 and you need one on each level of the house.
Gift Cards. A gift card may be considered a lame gift by some, but never by the recipient. Your home-owning friends will greatly appreciate a gift card in any amount to a local grocery store, a home improvement center such as Home Depot, or a discount super center like Target or Wal-Mart.
Food. A basket filled with items for an easy-to-fix meal such as a pasta dinner, or a gift card to a local pizza place would both earn you a place in the hearts of someone who is exhausted from moving.
Newspaper or Magazine Subscription. Subscribing your friends to the local paper is a great way to welcome them to the neighborhood. Or consider a national magazine such as Newsweek or Time.
Plants. It may sound clichÃ?©, but plants make a great housewarming gift. Plants often don’t make it through a move, either from the moving conditions or from being left behind. And oftentimes people are moving to a bigger home and can use more plants to help decorate it. Buy something easy to care for and hardy for less than $10.
Soap. Laundry detergent, dishsoap, dishwasher detergent, or hand soap. All items that didn’t get brought in the move and all necessities. Fill a basket with some of these crucial items for a pretty and useful housewarming gift for around $30.
Cleaning Supplies. Equally important as soap are cleaning supplies. Buy some kitchen disinfecting spray, toilet bowl cleaner, glass cleaner and disinfecting wipes. Put a sponge and some paper towels in with it, and you’ve got a great housewarming gift for under $20.
Yard Care Items. If your friends have moved from an apartment, chances are they don’t have any of the items required for taking care of a yard. Although difficult to wrap, items such as a rake, gardening gloves, shovels or a snow shovel, will definitely come in handy and make a good idea for a housewarming gift. Get two of the items listed for under $30.