How Can I Clean and Deodorize a Microwave Oven that Stinks?

A microwave with a plastic interior that stinks can ruin an appetite in a few seconds flat. Thoroughly cleaning it does not always do the trick, especially if it was used to heat up something particularly pungent. It can smell absolutely terrible for weeks or even months on end – unless steps are taken to properly clean and deodorize all of the interior surfaces. Food and accompanying odors can be found in cracks, crevices and even in the walls. With natural cleaners, deodorizers and a simple trick or two, it can smell fresh again.

Start with a Bowl of Fresh Lemons in Water

The best cleaner for the interior of a microwave oven cannot be found in the cleaning supply section of your local store. Head straight for the produce aisle instead. Buy two or three fresh lemons. Quarter the fruit with the skins intact, and place them in a bowl of water. Heat the water to boiling with the lemons inside, and turn the microwave off. Leave the steaming bowl of lemons and water inside for at least 30 minutes. The steam will help to loosen stuck-on food, and the lemons will naturally deodorize the stinky plastic. Use the warm lemon water and a non-abrasive scrub sponge to clean every nook and cranny. Do not forget the vents. If they are dirty, they might be what stinks.

Get Rid of Bad Odors with a Bowl of White Vinegar

If your microwave still stinks after using natural lemon water to steam clean the interior, try one of the oldest and most effective natural cleaners. Dampen a clean kitchen sponge with white vinegar, and heat it in the microwave for approximately 20 seconds. Let the vinegar-soaked sponge cool with the door closed for at least fifteen minutes. Use it to go over every surface. Rinse out the sponge, and go over it again with clear water. Leave a bowl of white vinegar inside overnight. It will work as a natural odor eliminator, and the smell should be gone. Save the leftover vinegar for other cleaning jobs instead of pouring it down the drain – unless of course your drains and/or disposal need to be cleaned and deodorized as well.

Eliminate the Toughest Odors with Ground Coffee

After taking the aforementioned steps without success, move on to something that is almost certain to take care of a microwave oven that stinks beyond use. After thoroughly cleaning and drying the interior, place a bowl of dry ground coffee inside overnight. Coffee is a fantastic odor remover. The oven will smell like coffee for a few days, but once the scent of coffee dissipates, you will no longer be able to detect what caused the appliance to stink in the first place.

Source: Professional Cleaning Experience

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