How Can You Tell If Your Dog is Pregnant?

There are just so many unwanted puppies in the US because of people not spaying there dogs. Did you know that every year over a million dogs are euthanized because there are just too many of them? However, if you did not have your dog spayed and are looking forward to her having puppies, there are a several things that you will want to look out for. You should speak to your vet about what signs to look for. Each breed of dog is different so it will depend on what type of dog you have.
All dogs come to a point in their lives where they reach sexual maturity. As some vets will tell you it will have to be at least 45 days into the dogs pregnancy in order for them to tell if she is pregnant or not. They will also probably want to take some x-rays in order to tell how many pups she will be having. This type of exam is not very expensive usually it is around $25-$35 for the x-ray plus the office visit charge.
Make sure you ask what the total fee will be before you see the vet. Some people who have been breeding pets for a while can usually tell if their dog is pregnant. Usually during this time your dog will be very loving and will usually want to spend a lot of time with you, sitting on your lap, and just relaxing with you. They will also be very protective over their toys and if you try to take them away they may become pretty upset, but don’t worry this is very normal when a dog is pregnant. If you want to avoid your dog getting pregnant then don’t leave your dog outside while they are in heat.
Then you will have nothing to worry about. The bottom line is there really is no clear way to tell if your dog is pregnant unless you are very experienced. As stated earlier, if you think that your dog is pregnant do not waste any time and get her to the vet. You do not want to put your dog’s health at risk or the health of the puppies.