How Celebraties Decide What to Wear

Not all designers have their moms to design their clothes. So the public wants to know how do they create these outfit ideas. Well I am sure that you will not be surprised to know that most designers will cater to any celebrities whim and create just about anything they want. Nowadays even if it does not look good the will still make it, because they know one they put the name of a famous artist on a piece of clothing it will sell.
Of course when it comes to dresses and women, no one wants to wear a dress that someone else has worn. Especially is the case with celebrities. When they dress for a special event, the most important thing is that you wear an original dress. They can not afford to run the risk of wearing the same dress as someone else. Most celebs like to try something different, that has never been done before. Or bring back an old look with a new twist to it.
You will be surprised to know that most celebrities do not decide what to wear by themselves. They have what you might consider a design team that picks, designs and arranges what they will be wearing on a daily basis. But this is only when they will be attending some sort of special event. But when they are just hanging with the family, they dress just like we do. When asked how they decide what to wear, they usually say whatever is the most comfortable.
Believe it or not when they are not performing, or acting, they dress just like us. Of course most women wear regular jeans that they bought on sale, while celebrities usually wear the $100 dollar jeans and the $50 dollar T-Shirt. That’s just the life of celebrities. Fads often do change on a daily basis however, and are often very short lives. According to a marketing survey a fad first gains a toehold among small groups of daring, unconventional people. Once it begins to spread, the manufactures and advertisers promote it by means of magazine, and radio ads.
And do not just think that teenagers are the only ones who care what the latest celebrity style is. Most adult women constantly are on the lookout for the latest look and the latest trend. If you are interested in learning more about how your favorite celebrity chooses their look, try looking at some of the following websites. To name just a few,, You can even do a google search using the name of a particular celebrity that you would like to know more about.