How Do Roofers Calculate a Roofing Bid?

Many homeowners are completely clueless when it comes to figuring out how a roofing contractor compiles a roofing bid. The basic bid will contain two main factors, labor and materials.

When it comes to figuring out the price of labor on a roofing job, a roofing contractor will take several points into consideration.


A roofing contractor will charge more for a job site that is inaccessible for the contractor’s trucks. A roofing job will not only entail the delivery of new roofing materials, but also, in many cases, the removal of old roofing shingles and materials. If the roofing contractor will be unable to easily tear off and haul out the old materials, the homeowner’s bid will go up.


Roofing contractors, in many cases, will be able to lay the new roofing over an existing roof. But, if the case calls for a removal of old roofing materials, this labor will be added into the bid. The number of existing layers to remove will also be calculated. The reason roofing contractors charge for removal of old roofing materials, is not simply for the labor involved, but the hauling and disposal charges as well.


Some roofs are pitched at such a high angle, that the roofing contractor will need to employ harnesses and special equipment to simply complete a roofing job. In cases where roof pitch requires this special equipment, the cost of the roofing job will climb very quickly.


When calculating a roofing bid, a roofing contractor will take into consideration the areas on a roof that will need special care. From skylights to porches, each special area will add to the bottom line of a roofing replacement bid.

While the roofing contractor will take these top concerns into consideration, most often, when calculating a roofing bid, other situations and conditions will affect the final price as well. These situations may include the time of year, how high the home is off the ground, the total size of the roof and well as any additional sub roofing repair that may be needed.

In addition to labor costs, the roofing contractor will need to add the cost of materials required to complete the roofing job. Materials include new shingles, roofing felt, vents, flashings and pan metal (if the home has a chimney or skylight).

Homeowners hiring a roofing contractor should certainly take a little time to learn how the roofers will be bidding on the roofing contract. The price of labor, materials and haul away costs can quickly add up, leaving a homeowner outside of a roofing budget. It is always a consideration to ask the roofer if you can haul and dispose of the old materials at your cost. Purchasing the shingle bundles and materials yourself may also cut the cost of a roofing bid ,a bit, as well.

Homeowners looking to re roof a home, will want to hire a licensed roofing contractor whenever possible. While shingle manufacturers usually warranty the product anywhere from 10-50 years, in many cases this warranty is voided when unlicensed roofers have completed the build.

A roofing bid need not be a complete mystery to the homeowner. With a little research and a little knowledge, a homeowner will not be surprised to see the number on the bottom of the bid sheet, because the homeowner will know just what that number includes.

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